
Main Body

Canada’s Tallest Tree

A person stands in a forest surrounded by tall trees

Learning Goals

In this chapter, you will learn to:

  • Hear, read, and write words with long vowels
  • Copy short sentences
  • Read common sight words in a paragraph
  • Answer questions about a story
  • Give sentence answers to questions

Talk About It

  • Have you ever gone for a hike? Where?
  • Do you have a favourite forest to walk in?

Picture Dictionary

Use the pictures to help you figure out the words.
https://pixabay.com/en/hunter-rifleman-fighter-huntsman-160297/ https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5f/Vancouver-island-relief.jpg https://www.flickr.com/photos/seattlemunicipalarchives/9565131658/in/photolist-fzeNp5-cBJWco-34cw2D-7VibtD-nainDw-fYnkUq-34k6se-ncm7ia-34h9QC-34Mtoi-34cBVB-pVNFse-34k8vD-34cBhX-34k6WZ-34h8CY-H2MtR-34pD17-cBKbu5-cBKm4W-H2KhL-cBmhz7-5kSzUW-ffyF24-34h4bJ-34k84H-34k5Dx-34pEwb-7PSm76-mhtYtz-qUZUr6-cBKgzA-cBKrRm-cBK2J7-mhuXC5-5yeZxq-aJVCPp-tCWYXQ-vKCUq-8foPwz-exjCR1-34Mu4t-5BVdEC-81sgK3-7cKUTx-5mAaac-ffyCkk-fes8SL-79XVX1-79XVX5
hunt Vancouver Island logger
https://pixabay.com/en/road-sun-rays-path-forest-815297/ https://pixabay.com/en/pine-forest-pad-glade-misty-273826/ https://pixabay.com/en/giraffe-tall-spots-long-neck-tail-48393/
path forest tall
https://www.flickr.com/photos/pagedooley/2966983310/in/photolist-5wbyLE-qKWiSd-rA4Xsc-rU6YPn-p2xh91-2ovcyx-aeHe3J-bvPP78-eP6wFn-7wi2pA-cnKV7L-otD4jL-8ij6Zt-kstFG-dsrpik-397qUG-4TkoQR-oRrSaX-EeG12-4TpBAW-4Tkp5v-4TkoXM-8m5pUR-LohNd-7AAyK3-o1eK7M-64sGNd-6L3Hfu-5xf5mC-e8NSrb-4TpB6Q-qXeGaj-4jcxUd-64osiz-6rg4Hy-8y8cVb-3eaEE7-nhy5ob-6xKSCL-6Dp4Bw-8vdn9E-6xFHCP-pBh2cP-4Dj2K3-8s1pMM-cEewcj-4WFdKi-awfFdx-94b3b5-6QsnW1 https://pixabay.com/en/bench-park-pond-lake-water-801727/ https://pixabay.com/en/danger-warning-signs-triangle-34250/
awe park risk
Practice reading these words without the pictures.
forest awe down hunt tall
risk Vancouver Island logger park path

Word Skills

Word Patterns

Many words end in e. The e is silent but can make the first vowel in the word say its name.













Match the word to the picture.
rake dime nose cake
nine home rice gate
https://pixabay.com/en/chopsticks-rice-sticky-rice-food-154545/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/33755808@N08/3430282260 https://pixabay.com/en/goal-metal-input-iron-old-819980/
1. _____________ 2. _____________ 3. _____________
https://pixabay.com/en/home-house-building-architecture-154691/ https://pixabay.com/en/rake-leaves-tool-garden-fall-24250/ https://pixabay.com/en/nose-nostril-human-outline-307159/
4. _____________ 5. _____________ 6. _____________
https://pixabay.com/en/nine-number-digit-3d-light-fill-217896/ https://pixabay.com/en/cake-chocolate-candle-one-icing-305217/
7. _____________ 8. _____________
Check your work with the Answer Key at the end of this chapter.
You will see these words in the story. Practice reading them.
name like made
take more save
Read the sentences. Then copy them. Use upper case letters, periods, question marks, and exclamation marks correctly.
Meg has nine cats.
Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 1.28.58 PM
Lock the gate.
Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 1.28.58 PM
What is your name?
Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 1.28.58 PM
Save me!
Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 1.28.58 PM
Can I have more cake?
Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 1.28.58 PM


Ask your instructor to check your work.

Use Your Reading Skills

Listen to Canada’s Tallest Tree. Then read Canada’s Tallest Tree in BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English – Reader 1.

Audio Player

Check Your Understanding

Answer these questions. Use the underlined words to help you form a sentence.

1. Where is Canada’s tallest tree?


2. How tall is Canada’s tallest tree?


3. Who was the first person to find Canada’s tallest tree?


4. What did the forest with Canada’s tallest tree become?


5. What are many of BC’s old forests at risk of?


Check your work with the Answer Key at the end of this chapter.

Writing Task

Think of a time something in nature filled you with awe, or made you feel amazed. Tell the story to your instructor. Your instructor will write down your words. Then copy your story into your notebook.

When you are done, read your story.

  • Did you begin each sentence with an upper case letter?
  • Did you use an upper case letter at the beginning of a person’s name?
  • Did you end each sentence with a period or question mark?
  • Are you missing any words?

Answer Key

Word Skills
1 rice
2 dime
3 gate
4 home
5 rake
6 nose
7 nine
8 cake
Check Your Understanding  
1 Canada’s tallest tree is on Vancouver Island.
2 Canada’s tallest tree is 314 feet tall.
3 A logger was the first person to find Canada’s tallest tree.
4 The forest with Canada’s tallest tree is now a park.
5 Many of BC’s old forests are at risk of being cut down.


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BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 1 Copyright © 2015 by Shantel Ivits is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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