Versioning History

This page provides a record of edits and changes made to this book since its initial publication. Whenever edits or updates are made in the text, we provide a record and description of those changes here. If the change is minor, the version number increases by 0.01. If the edits involve substantial updates, the version number increases to the next full number.

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Version Date Change Details
1.00 October 3, 2014 Book published using Microsoft Word.
2.00 Book updated and republished in Pressbooks as a 2nd Edition.
  • Removed coverage of time in last unit
  • Reduced the number of exercises per example.
  • Created a “How to Deal with Math Anxiety” front matter section, which is now standardized across all ALF Math books.
  • Deleted “Topic A: Emotions and Learning” since that content is now covered in the “How to Deal with Math Anxiety” front matter.
  • Re-lettered all units and topics in unit 1.
  • Moved content from Word into Pressbooks.
  • Added textboxes to visually identify examples and exercises.
  • Added some headings to give long chapters more structure.
2.01 June 12, 2024 Corrected answers. In Topic B: Two- and Three-Digit Multipliers in Unit 1: Multiplication, the answers to many of the problems in Exercise 2 were corrected.


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Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 3 – 2nd Edition Copyright © 2023 by Wendy Tagami and Liz Girard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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