
Self-Care and Community Care

Self-care and community care are about looking after yourself and those around you. Facilitating a workshop about sexualized violence can range from satisfying and rewarding to challenging and overwhelming. It is important to make sure that you take the time to take care of yourself and that you are willing to reach out to coworkers, friends, and family, or professional supports, if needed.

Check-in/Reflection Questions

Taking time after a session to debrief can be a helpful way to care for yourself. Here are some sample debriefing questions.

  • What was a positive moment or success in this session?
  • How did the learners engage with the different activities? Is there something I want to facilitate or do differently next time?
  • Did I or a learner seem to have a response to the material, a shared story or another learner that was challenging? If so, how was it responded to or resolved?
  • Is there something I want to do differently next time? Is there something I should learn about or check with a co-worker about?



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Power Dynamics and Boundaries: A Sexualized Violence Prevention Workshop for Graduate Students Copyright © by Intersectional Sexualized Violence Project - Graduate Student Resource Development Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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