Slide-by-Slide Training Guide

The Slide-by-Slide Training Guide provides the information to help successfully facilitate Power Dynamics and Boundaries: A Sexualized Violence Prevention Workshop for Graduate Students. It includes facilitator notes for each slide. Suggested speaking notes for facilitators are in regular font, and directions and background information are in italics.

If you haven’t already, download the PowerPoint slide deck at Accessing the Training Materials.

Note: There are four slides that require you to fill out prior to delivering the training:

  • Territory Acknowledgement (slide 2)
  • Activity: Practice Scenario (slide 24)
  • List of Supports (slide 29)
  • Small Group Activity: Scenario (slide 31)

There is an option to use Mentimeter during this workshop (slide 17). If you choose to use this tool, ensure it is set up before and allocate a few minutes at the start of the workshop to explain the tool to participants.


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Power Dynamics and Boundaries: A Sexualized Violence Prevention Workshop for Graduate Students Copyright © by Intersectional Sexualized Violence Project - Graduate Student Resource Development Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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