
Main Body

The Story of Gabor Maté

Learning Goals

At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Understand and use new vocabulary words
  • Read the two different sounds of g and c
  • Edit sentences for consistent verb tense
  • Write compound words
  • Write one last paragraph that tells a story
Helping hands

Get Ready to Read

  • What can your community do to help people with addictions?


Figure out what the bold word means by looking at how it is used in the sentence. Match it to the best meaning.
1. The Nazis took over Hungary in World War II. a. A feeling of wanting to help someone in trouble
2. People with addictions have lived through trauma, such as violence and loss. b. A very difficult experience that causes someone to have mental and emotional problems for a long time
3. Gabor believes that the cure for addiction is compassion. c. Disapproval
4. People with drug addictions face a lot of judgment. d. A member of a German political party controlled by Adolf Hitler
Check your work with the Answer Key at the end of this chapter.
Write an answer for each question using the word in bold. Write in complete sentences.
  1. What are some things that can help people heal from trauma?
  2. Describe a time when someone treated you with compassion.
Ask your instructor to check your work.

Word Attack Strategy

Word Patterns

Some letters can make more than one sound.

For example, g can say /g/ or /j/

You can hear /g/ in these words You can hear /j/ in these words
grab age
flag huge
gum gentle

And c can say /k/ or /s/.

You can hear /k/ in these words You can hear /s/ in these words
locate decide
protect spice
fact place

Here is the pattern:

  • The g says /j/ when it is followed by e, i, or y.
  • The c says /s/ when it is followed by e, i, or y.
Read the pair of letters below. Write the sound the letters make.
c = /k/ or /s/ g = /g/ or /j/

1. cy – c says / __ /

2. ci – c says / __ /

3. cu – c says / __ /

4. cr– c says / __ /

5. ca – c says / __ /

6. ce – c says / __ /

7. co – c says / __ /

8. cl – c says / __ /

9. ct – c says / __ /

10. gr – g says / __ /

11. go – g says / __ /

12. gl – g says / __ /

13. ge – g says / __ /

14. ga – g says / __ /

15. gy – g says / __ /

16. gu – g says / __ /

17. gi – g says / __ /

18. Circle the words that have the /s/ sound of c.
















19. Circle the words that have the /j/ sound of g.










Fill in each blank with a word from the box.
violence Hungary peace difficult suggest

20. My schoolwork is ____________________, but I won’t give up!

21. When I drink a cup of tea with my cat in my lap, I feel at ___________.

22. ____________________ is the name of a country in Europe.

23. I don’t think ____________________ should be used to solve a problem, because it will just lead to more problems.

24. I asked the vet to ____________________ a kind of food to feed my dog.

Check your work with the Answer Key at the end of this chapter.

Use Your Reading Skills

Read The Story of Gabor Maté in your reader. Return to this page when you are done.

Check Your Understanding

Find the Topic and Main Idea

1. What is the topic of this text?

a. Addiction

b. Insite

c. Gabor Maté

2. What is the main point of this text?

a. This text tells the story of a doctor who says we should treat people with addictions with compassion.

b. This text is about the disadvantages of drug addiction.

c. This text tells the story of Insite, the place where people can safely use drugs.

Check your work with the Answer Key at the end of this chapter.
3. Using your answers above, write a short summary of this text. Include the topic, main idea, and two or three supporting details.
Ask your instructor to check your work.
Gabor Maté

Making Inferences

In the last chapter, you learned that readers make educated guesses, based on what they know and what they have experienced. This is called making inferences.

Look at these statements from the text. Make an inference.
The text says… Make an inference
1. Gabor’s aunt was missing. What do you think happened to his aunt?
2. Gabor still struggles to feel at peace. Why do you think he still struggles to feel at peace?
3. Drug users can get clean needles at Insite. Why would Insite give out free needles?
Check your work with the Answer Key at the end of this chapter.


Review Contractions

Read these famous quotes. Change each underlined word into a contraction.

1. “What is right is not always popular. What is popular is not always right.” — Albert Einstein

2. “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind do not matter, and those who matter do not mind.” ― Bernard M. Baruch

3. “If you do not stand for something you will fall for anything.” ― Gordon A. Eadie

4. “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that will not work.” ― Thomas A. Edison

5. “You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one. I hope someday you will join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon

6. “What you are supposed to do when you do not like a thing is change it. If you cannot change it, change the way you think about it. Do not complain.” ― Maya Angelou

7. “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I am possible’!” ― Audrey Hepburn

Check your work with the Answer Key at the end of this chapter.

Consistent Verb Tense

Look at these sentences. Can you figure out what is wrong?

A man was walking down the street. He heard a car honk. He looks up to see what is happening.

The writer changed from past tense to present tense for no reason.

Grammar Rule

When you are telling a story or describing something, be sure to use the same tense — unless you have a good reason not to. This is called using a consistent verb tense.

 Fix these sentences so that they have a consistent verb tense.

1. The air was filled with the smell of popcorn with extra butter. The crowd went quiet as the room went dark. Suddenly, lights splash across the silver screen.

2. The sailboat floats slowly over the still blue sea. It creaks and groans. Seagulls cry from above. Then, a clap of thunder rang out from above.

3. She was now so deep in the cave that she could not see any daylight. She turned on her flashlight. That’s when she sees there is a great big grizzly bear right in front of her. He is fast asleep, but for how long?

4. The bank robber smiled as he walked into the bank safe. Inside, it had a million dollars — at least. He didn’t see the bank teller behind him. The bank teller slammed the door of the safe shut, locks the robber inside, and called the police.

Check your work with the Answer Key at the end of this chapter.

Compound Nouns

A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two or more words. Compound nouns can be written:

As one word

As two words As two words with a hyphen
  • rainbow
  • newspaper
  • prime minister
  • human rights
  • co-worker
  • left-handed
Here are some compound nouns from The Story of Gabor Maté. Should they be written as one word, two words, or three words?

1. drug/users

2. world/wide

3. North/America

4. British/Columbia

5. over/dose

6. spoke/out

7. talk/shows

8. World/War/II

9. grand/parents

= ______________________________

= ______________________________

= ______________________________

= ______________________________

= ______________________________

= ______________________________

= ______________________________

= ______________________________

= ______________________________


Writing Task

Gabor works to create a world filled with compassion. What were the kindest words ever said to you? How did they affect you? Once you remember some kind words that stand out, get ready to write a paragraph that tells your story.

  1. First, fill out the Tell a Story sheet with the details.
  2. Then, write a first draft of your paragraph.
  3. Next, edit your paragraph with the checklist below.
  4. Finally, hand in your paragraph to your instructor.


  • Does my story have a beginning, middle, and end?
  • Did I use linking words: first, then, next, finally?
  • Are the events in an order that makes sense?
  • Have I used complete sentences, starting with capital letters and ending with . ? or !
  • Did I use irregular verbs correctly?
  • Did I use verb tenses consistently?
  • Are words spelled correctly?

Answer Key

1 d
2 b
3 a
4 c
Word Attack Strategy
1 cy – c says /s/
2 ci – c says /s/
3 cu – c says /k/
4 cr – c says /k/
5 ca – c says /k/
6 ce – c says /s/
7 co – c says /k/
8 cl – c says /k/
9 ct – c says /k/
10 gr – g says /g/
11 go – g says /g/
12 gl – g says /g/
13 ge – g says /g/
14 ga – g says /g/
15 gy – g says /g/
16 gu – g says /g/
17 gi – g says /j/
18 decide, cent, space, place, force, peace, violence
19 suggest, judge, stage, page
20 difficult
21 peace
22 Hungary
23 violence
24 suggest
Check Your Understanding  
Find the Topic and Main Idea
1 c
2 a
Making Inferences
1 Maybe she was killed by the Nazis.
2 He grew up during a war and it still affects him.
3 To prevent people from sharing needles and spreading diseases.
Review Contractions
1 what’s, isn’t, what’s, isn’t
2 don’t, don’t
3 don’t, you’ll
4 haven’t, I’ve, won’t
5 I’m, I’m, you’ll
6 you’re, don’t, can’t, don’t
7 I’m
Consistent Verb Tense
1 change splash to splashed
2 change rang to rings
3 change sees to saw, change is to was
4 change locks to locked
Compound Nouns
1 drug users
2 worldwide
3 North America
4 British Columbia
5 overdose
6 spoke out
7 talk shows
8 World War II
9 grandparents


Helping hands
Hands by johnhain is in the public domain.

Gabor Maté
Gabor Maté by Gabor Gastonyi is used under a CC BY SA 2.0 license.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 4 Copyright © 2015 by Shantel Ivits is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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