Main Body
The Story of Nellie McClung
Learning Goals
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
- Understand and use new vocabulary words
- Read words ending in -able
- Decide if a statement is fact or opinion
- Use capital letters for proper nouns
- Organize a paragraph
- Fill out a Voter Registration form

Get Ready to Read
- What is sexism?
- Have you seen or experienced an example of sexism?
Figure out what the bold word means by looking at how it is used in the sentence. Match it to the best meaning.
1. She starred in a play where she debated men’s right to vote. | a. Expressed different viewpoints about something |
2. They talked about how unfair it was that women were not allowed to sit in the Senate. | b. Became worse |
3. Even as she grew older and her health declined, she kept writing and speaking for equal rights. | c. One of the groups that helps make laws in Canada |
4. “Because I’ve got a bad heart my doctor has told me not to write. I assume he meant books so I keep busy writing letters, editorials and messages.” | d. An article in a newspaper or magazine that shares the opinion of the editors |
Write an answer for each question. Write in complete sentences and use the word in bold.
- Do you watch the debates around election time?
- Why do you think Ottawa’s hockey team in the NHL is called the Senators?
- Do you ever read the editorials in the newspaper?
Word Attack Strategy
Word Patterns
A suffix is an end part of a word. The suffix –able means “can be.”
For example: Reading is enjoyable.
Enjoyable describes something that can be enjoyed.
Match the word to the correct definition.
Word | Meaning |
1. reasonable | Describes something that can bring comfort |
2. fashionable | Describes something you can notice |
3. comfortable | Describes something you can love |
4. affordable | Describes something that is in fashion |
5. loveable | Describes someone who can use reason |
6. noticeable | Describes something you can afford |
Break these words into syllables. Remember that every syllable has a vowel and -ble is a separate syllable.
7. comfortable = __com__ + _______ + __ta___+ _______
8. affordable = _______ + _for___ + _______+ __ble__
9. loveable = _______ + ___a___+ _______
10. noticeable = _______ + __tice__ + _______+ _______
11. reasonable = __rea__ + _______ + _______+ _______
Use Your Reading Skills
Read The Story of Nellie McClung in your reader. Return to this page when you are done.
Check Your Understanding
Find the Topic and Main Idea
1. What is the topic of this text?
2. What is the main idea of this text?
Open and print a Sum It Up sheet. Write down the main idea. Add one supporting detail for each box (Think: What did Nellie do to help change Canadians’ views about the role of women?)
Identify Sequence
Readers need to understand the different ways that writers organize texts. In texts about history, writers often explain the events in the same order that they happened in real life.
Match the events and the dates. Copy the sentences in the correct order.
Understanding the Difference Between Fact and Opinion
A fact is something that can be proven. People can usually agree on the truth of facts. An opinion is a judgment about what is right and wrong, or what is better or worse. Different people have different opinions.
Look at each statement. Which one is a fact? Which one is an opinion?
Compound Sentences
Turn each pair of simple sentences into one compound sentence. Remember to add a comma and a conjunction (and, but, or, so).
Capital Letters
Grammar Rule
To understand the rules about capital letters, it helps to know that there are two kinds of nouns — common nouns and proper nouns.
A common noun is a general person, place, thing, or idea. Common nouns do not need capitals.
A proper noun is a specific person, place, thing, or idea. Proper nouns need capitals.
Common Nouns | Proper Nouns |
school country city ocean book month event |
Douglas College Canada Kamloops Pacific Ocean Anne of Green Gables June New Year’s Eve |
Edit these sentences by adding capital letters where needed.
Answer these questions in complete sentences. Use capitals where needed.
Organize a Paragraph
- A topic sentence that explains the main idea or point you want to make
- Supporting details that back up your point
- A concluding sentence that reminds the reader of your main idea
Decide what order these sentences should go in.
Writing Task
Rewrite the sentences above in the correct order and in paragraph form. Do not start a new line for each new sentence. Each sentence should follow the one before it.
Fill Out a Voter Registration Form
Answer Key
Vocabulary | |
1 | a |
2 | c |
3 | b |
4 | d |
Word Attack Strategy | |
1 | reasonable – describes someone who can use reason |
2 | fashionable – describes something that is in fashion |
3 | comfortable – describes something that can bring comfort |
4 | affordable – describes something you can afford |
5 | loveable – describes something you can love. |
6 | noticeable – describes something you can notice |
7 | com + for + ta + ble |
8 | af + for + da + ble |
9 | love + a + ble |
10 | no + tice + a + ble |
11 | rea + son + a + ble |
Check Your Understanding | |
Find the Topic and Main Idea | |
1 | c |
2 | a |
Identify Sequence | |
1 | 1882 – d |
2 | 1918 – a |
3 | 1921 – e |
4 | 1929 – b |
5 | 1951 – c |
Understanding the Difference Between Fact and Opinion | |
1 | opinion |
2 | fact |
3 | opinion |
4 | fact |
5 | opinion |
6 | fact |
Grammar | |
Compound Sentences | |
1 | but |
2 | and |
3 | and |
4 | so |
5 | but |
Capital Letters | |
1 | Chatsworth, Ontario |
2 | Sowing Seeds in Danny |
3 | Wes |
4 | Political Equality League |
5 | Canada, United States, Atlantic Ocean, England |
6 | September, Victoria, British Columbia |
Writing | |
Organize a Paragraph | |
c, d, a, e, b |
Symbol for women
Female Symbol by geralt is in the public domain.