
Environmental Scan

The environmental scan outlined below includes a snapshot of resources, tools, and training available at 25 BC Post-Secondary Institutions and 4 BC-based organizations focused on social justice, equity, anti-racism and anti-hate work.

Individuals are welcome to use this scan to begin or expand their journey of learning anti-racism and anti-hate work recognizing that this is a continuous journey of learning and unlearning. Using the emergent framework outlined in previous sections, individuals can reflect on the questions posed as they learn and apply what is available in the environmental scan.

Awareness and Reflection

Individuals are welcome to use these questions to engage in awareness and reflection:

  • What do I bring?
  • What am I taking away?
  • Where are the opportunities for renewal and growth?
Categorization Title and source Description
Guide (Anti-Indigenous Racism) Pulling Together: Foundations Guide Individuals can use this guide to understand the history of Indigenous People and the ongoing systemic impact of colonization, residential schools and necessity for decolonization, truth and reconciliation. The guide is set-up as sections and provides key questions and appendices that allow for increased awareness, reflection and knowledge that can be used as a solo or group learning experience. There are different versions of this guide that is focused on different positionality perspective i.e. leaders and administrators, curriculum developers, teachers and instructors, front-line staff, student services and advisors and researchers.
Journal Article Integral Review: A Transdisciplinary and Transcultural Journal for New Thought, Research, and Praxis: Vol. 17, No. 1, Dec. 2021 Individuals can use this article to reflect and assess how they see themselves in JEDI work through the author’s position on action-logics and capacity-building. This article highlights the connection between JEDI work and systemic racism.
Literature Review The University of Victoria Equity and Human Rights Office – Best Approaches for Anti-Racism Education: Literate Review Individuals can use this literature review as a starting point to understanding the background of anti-racism education.
Reflection Emily Carr University of Art + Design: To Become the Next Generation’s Ancestors  Individuals can use this book as reflection of what anti-racism looks like through an inter-generational lens and what could be a different future. The book provides imagery of alternatives to the status quo and exercises a creative response to the topics of social justice, equity, and intergenerational change.
Reflection Royal Roads University: Anti-Racism Resources Individuals can use this image to reflect on their own process of engaging in this work.
Reflection University of Victoria: Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression: Self-Reflection Tools Individuals can use these tools to reflect on their journey in doing this work.
Report Canadian Race Relations Foundation –  Race relations in Canada 2019: A Survey of Canadian public opinion and experience Individuals can use this report to reflect on the findings, trends and their own experiences or awareness when it comes to the status of race relations, racial discrimination and personal experiences in Canada.
Report (Anti-Black Racism) University of British Columbia: Towards a Healthy City: Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Vancouver Individuals can use this report to become aware of Anti-Black Racism and the efforts needed to address this in a systemic and intentional manner.
Resource Simon Fraser University Public Square – Towards Equity Resources  From community spotlights, books, articles, videos, lectures, podcasts, etc., individuals can use this resource as a means to expand their awareness of what is available.
Resource Thompson Rivers University: Diversity and Equity Glossary Individuals can build awareness and reflect on their understanding of different terms utilized in this area.
Resource (Anti-Indigenous Racism) Native Land Digital Individuals can use this resource to search their current location to better understand the land they situate themselves on as well as the entire Canadian landscape as it relates to Indigenous Peoples.
Resource (Anti-Indigenous Racism) The University of British Columbia – Indigenous Foundations Terminology Individuals can use this resource to understand how to use terminology as it relates to Indigenous peoples.
Video The University of British Columbia Equity and Inclusion and Alumni Office – Examining Whiteness: What’s at stake for Canada? Individuals can listen to this panel discussion to reflect on white privilege, how it shows up in Canada across sectors and systems and the necessity for change
Website The Micropedia Individuals can use this resource as a means of reflecting on the examples of microagressions and if they have come in contact with them either as the recipient or initiator. The context and visual examples provided under each microagression allows individuals to reflect on why the statement or behaviour is problematic and shift their awareness in an inclusive direction.
Website The University of British Columbia: Positionality and Intersectionality Individuals can use this website to become aware and continuously reflect on their own positionality and intersectionality when engaging in anti-racism work.
Categorization Title and source Description
Definitions BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner Individuals can become aware of the office and the important concepts that become pivotal areas to address in both anti-racism and anti-hate.
Definitions and Patterns Resilience BC: Hate Crimes in BC Individuals can use the definitions and patterns to inform their awareness of the prevalence and rise of hate crimes in BC.
Glossary The University of British Columbia: Equity and Inclusion Glossary of Terms Individuals can build awareness and reflect on their understanding of different terms utilized in this area as well as apply where and when to use these terms.
Report Vancouver Community College: Report Hate Crime: Hate  Has No Place in BC Individuals can reflect on current trends in hate crimes (videos are provided in different languages) and compare it to what is available in response to hate crimes.
Website The University of British Columbia: Positionality and Intersectionality Individuals can become aware and continuously reflect on their own positionality and intersectionality when engaging in Anti-Hate work.

Knowledge and Competence

Individuals are welcome to use these questions to build more knowledge and competence:

  • How do I begin to understand important definitions, concepts, etc.?
  • What skills or competence can I build in these areas?
  • How can I begin to take a stand?
Categorization Title and source Description
Book How to be an Ant-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi Individuals can use this book to frame their learning on anti-racism and the ongoing commitment that must be made towards equity, inclusion, diversity, justice and belonging.
Charter (Anti-Black Racism) Signatories of the Scarborough Charter Individuals can check to see if their institution has signed the Scarborough Charter and explore what commitments have been made at their institution to address anti-Black racism. If not, this allows individuals to find out what needs to shift at their institution to commit to the goals of the charter.
Charter (Anti-Black Racism) The Scarborough Charter From principles like Black Flourishing, Inclusive Excellence, Mutuality to Accountability, the charter paves a way for individuals to learn about anti-Black racism and opportunities to address this in an institutional context. It can also allow individuals to consider how their institution has/will develop meaningful and measurable concrete actions that reflect what has been outlined in the charter. Lastly, individuals can use the knowledge gained to explore how their role might fit within the charter from a micro to macro level.
Guide (Anti-Indigenous Racism) Pulling Together: Foundations Guide Individuals can use this guide to understand the history of Indigenous People and the ongoing systemic impact of colonization, residential schools and necessity for decolonization, truth and reconciliation. The guide is set-up as sections and provides key questions and appendices that allow for increased awareness, reflection and knowledge that can be used as a solo or group learning experience. There are different versions of this guide that is critical in raising awareness of different positionalities i.e. leaders and administrators, curriculum developers, teachers and instructors, front-line staff, student services and advisors and researchers.
Journal McIntosh, P. White Privilege: Unpacking the invisble knapsack. The National Seed Project. 1989. Individuals can gain perspective on white privilege, the impact of it and understand how race cannot be left out of conversations when it comes to discussing lived experience, power and privilege.
Organization BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner Individuals can learn about the BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner to situate the gravity of racism and hate and deepen their awareness of why the office exists to promote equitable, fair and the safety of all, including the most vulnerable and historically, persistently, or systemically marginalized.
Report (Anti-Black Racism) The University of British Columbia – Towards a Healthy City: Addressing Anti-Black Racism in Vancouver Individuals can use this report to understand the pervasiveness of anti-Black racism and begin to understand the systemic shifts available to create equitable and inclusive access and support.
Resources Capilano University: What is Intersectionality? Individuals can use this resource to build an understanding of Intersectionality and why it is important.
Resources Kwantlen Polytechnic University: Document on Anti-Racism Training Individuals can use this learning resource to map out a starting point for anti-racism.
Resources Langara College – Resources on Anti-Racism, Anti-Indigenous, Anti-Asian Racism and Anti-Black Racism  Individuals can use this resource to increase their understanding on anti-racism and its impact on groups that have been historically, persistently and traditionally marginalized.
Resources One Love Consulting: Resources Individuals can use this resources to review articles, videos and reports focused on a wide area of anti-racism, such as anti-Black racism, white supremacy, bias, etc.
Resources Royal Roads University: Anti-Racism Resources Individuals can use this resource to review articles, videos and documentaries related to anti-racism.
Resources Thompson Rivers University: Anti-Racism Resources Individuals can use this resource to review articles, podcasts, videos and documentaries related to anti-racism.
Resources Vancouver Community College: Anti-Racism Resources Individuals can use this resource to review articles, videos and documentaries related to anti-racism.
Resources Vancouver Island University: Anti-Racism Resources Individuals can use this learning resource to map out a starting point for anti-racism.
Resources (Anti-Asian Racism) The University of British Columbia: National Forum on Anti-Asian Racism Events, Resources and Report Individuals can re-watch some of the videos, read the report outlining key takeaways to increase their understanding of anti-Asian racism and consider the resources to move into action.
Resources (Anti-Black Racism) Simon Fraser University: Resources and calls to action against anti-Black racism and violence Individuals can use this comprehensive resource to acknowledge their bias and internalized racism while taking meaningful steps towards anti-Black racism.
Resources (Anti-Indigenous Racism) University of Fraser Valley: Indigenous Peoples and Reconciliation Individuals can use this resource to review articles, videos and documentaries related to anti-Indigenous racism.
Training The University of British Columbia Extended Learning – Award of Achievement Program in Anti-Racism Individuals can take this microcredential as a full program or relevant courses of interest to increase their understanding of racism, how to dismantle it along with injustice and to engage in socially just and inclusive manner.
Training The University of Victoria Equity and Human Rights: Anti-Racism Education Program Individuals can view the anti-racism education program for information on literature.
Toolkit Bakau Consulting: Resources Toolkit Individuals can use various sections in this toolkit to begin understanding the definitions of diversity, inclusion, anti-oppression as well as unlearning entrenched negative views such as anti-Blackness.
Video TED: The Urgency of Intersectionality by Kimberlé Crenshaw Using Intersectionality as a lens/framing, individuals can increase their understanding of marginalization to recognize that a person’s experience is shaped not only by their identity but also social, societal and structural forces of power, privilege, oppression and status; thereby, allowing individuals to critically examine who is included/excluded, who has access/does not, and much more.
Categorization Title and source Description
Organization BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner Individuals can learn about the BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner to situate the gravity of racism and hate and deepen their awareness of why the office exists to promote equitable, fair and the safety of all, including the most vulnerable and historically, persistently, or systemically marginalized.
Organization The Canadian Anti-Hate Network Individuals can learn about events that occurring in Canada that fall under hate promotion, including but not limited to an exposure of groups, activities, etc.
Resources Capilano University: What is Neurodiversity? Individuals can increase their understanding or neurodiversity and recognize the importance of providing support systems individuals who are neurodiverse.
Resources (2SLGBTQ+) Capilano University: Queer Issues (LGBTQ2+) Individuals can increase their understanding of LGBTQ2s+ terminology.
Resources (Anti-Islamophobia) University of Victoria: Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression: Anti-Islamophobia Individuals can use this resource to understand the rise in Islamophobia and the necessity to combat it
Resources (Anti-Semitism) University of Victoria: Anti-Racism and Anti-Oppression: Antisemitism Individuals can use this resource to understand the rise in Antisemitism and the necessity to combat it


Individuals are welcome to use these questions to unpack accountability:

  • How can I be ready to take a stand?
  • How do I situate my whole self in this work?
Categorization Title and source Description
Book So You Want to Talk About Race
by Ijeoma Oluo
Individuals can use this book to reflect on their understanding of race and capacity to engage in a dialogue that is both productive and healthy.
Community List Emily Carr University of Art + Design: Anti-Racism Resources, Supports and Organizations Individuals can use this list as a potential starting point if they want to engage in community in this work.
Consulting List Bakau Consulting: Alternative Consulting Resources Individuals can use this as a directory to consider faciliation or other work necessary in which anti-racism and EDI work is needed.
Consulting List Decolonize Together Individuals can use this as potential organization to engage anti-racism and decolonization work.
Consulting List Resilience BC: Anti-Racism Network – Find an Expert Individuals can use this as a directory to consider facilitation or other work necessary in which anti-racism and EDI work is needed.
Guide The University of British Columbia – Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Committees: Getting Started Guide
Individuals can use this guide to consider what factors to address and put in place if one of the intentional steps towards anti-racism is to create a committee tasked with supporting equity, diversity and inclusion efforts.
Journal Sensoy, Ö. , DiAngelo, R. (2014). Respect Differences? Challenging the Common Guidelines in Social Justice Education. Democracy and Education, 22 (2), Article 1. Individuals can use this journal article to reflect on an important distinction between well-intentioned and intended outcomes; a necessary pause before acting. Although focused on classroom discussions, this article provides alternate strategies for responding to power dynamics, truth-telling, etc. in dialogue settings.
Resource (Anti-Indigenous Racism) Selkirk College: “Viewpoints” on Reconciliation: Indigenous Perspectives for Post-Secondary Education in the Southern Interior of BC Although localized to interior BC, this research project synopsis can provide individuals with an understanding of what respectful engagement looks like with Indigenous communities when looking to enact meaningful reconciliation.
Resource (Anti-Indigenous Racism) Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action Individuals can understand the importance of how systemic racism has impacted Indigenous people across different sectors and in doing so, recognize the important role of accountability that education must play in actions 6 – 17 and 62 – 65 in truth and reconciliation.
Self-Care Listing Bakau Consulting: Healing in Colour – Directory of BIPOC therapists Individuals who identify as BIPOC can use this listing to find a therapist that can support them as the work of anti-racism and anti-hate can often take an emotional toll.
Categorization Title and source Description
Organization BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner The inquiry has scheduled events in 2022 that will allow individuals to reflect on critical anti-hate work is given the alarming number of increased incidents by attending witnessing sessions, hearing from Indigenous communities, government and institutions as well as refer to the report that will be available in late 2022.
Toolkit Langara College: Surviving and Resisting Hate: A Toolkit for People of Colour  Individuals who identify as a Person of Colour can use this as a resource and pause before engaging in or further with anti-hate work.

Intentional and Inspired Action

Individuals are welcome to use this question to consider intentional and inspired action:

  • What meaningful steps can I take to make an impact where I am?
Categorization Title and source Description
Funding The National Anti-Racism Fund Individuals can apply to the National Anti-Racism Fund for monetary support to fund projects, events or youth-focused initiatives. Given that finances can be a barrier, utilizing grants such as these allow for initiatives focused on addressing racism and discrimination to come into fruition.
Guide BCIT: Creating a respectful, diverse and inclusive community From understanding the importance of pronouns, gendered language, respectful etiquette, an inclusive event checklist to tools and resources related to anti-racism and microaggressions, individuals can utilize this booklet for a multitude of reasons.
Guide BCIT: Inclusivity, Equity, & Accessibility:
Bringing an Inclusion Lens to Your Classroom
Individuals can apply the tools and strategies in this guide to their classroom settings or different formats that support student learning by taking into consideration accessibility, universal design and inclusive practices set out in this document.
Guide Capilano University Library: Guidelines for Being Strong White Allies Individuals who identify as white can use this guideline to act and deepen their commitment to allyship.
Guide Simon Fraser University: Beyond Inclusion: Equity in Public Engagement Individuals can use this guide to frame and act on strategies that create inclusive and ethical engagement to include diversity, lived experience and voice in engagement process, from listening/brave sessions to consultations that lead to meaningful change.
Guide The University of British Columbia: Accessible and Inclusive Event Planning Individuals can use this guide as a checklist to increase inclusivity in spaces that bring people together.
Guide The University of British Columbia – Activating Solidarity: A Guide to Anti-Racism Work Individuals can use this guide as a starting point for considering action as well as see the reference provided on this list of ways in which they can be involved from a local to national level. Whilst this guide is focused on UBC, there is content that is relevant to a non-UBC audience.
Guide (Anti-Indigenous Racism) The University of British Columbia: Indigenous Peoples: Language Guidelines Individuals can apply the understanding of terminology and meanings in how they interact and speak with honour of Indigenous Peoples of Canada, from land acknowledgements to written forms of recognition.
Open Case Study The University of British Columbia: Microagressions in the Online Classroom Individuals can use this case study to understand real-life examples of microaggressions in the classroom and how to move from flight, freeze or fawn to approaches that can address, intervene or correct experiences of microaggressions.
Open Education Resources Capilano University: Open Educational Resources: Disabled and Here, The Gender Spectrum Collection: Stock Photos Beyond the Binary, Nappy, etc. Individuals can utilize the open educational resources to use images that reflect a diverse student body in their communication (webpages, newsletters, etc.).
Resource Resilience BC: Resources for Victims of Racism and Hate Individuals can use this directory of resources either for themselves or to support someone who has been a victim of racism or hate.
Resources Simon Fraser University: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Resource Guide Individuals can use these resource to create inclusive and anti-racist writing, utilize principles of diversity in public engagement processes as well as view community guidelines that can inform creating safety in dialogue and learning around anti-racism.
Resources Simon Fraser University: Inclusive and Antiracist Writing Individuals can use this resource to disrupt biases and unconscious exclusion that can be happen when using language or writing.
Resources Simon Fraser University: You can Build More Inclusive Spaces Individuals can use the questions and strategies included in this resource to build inclusive spaces.
Resources The University of Victoria Equity and Human Rights: Commit to Action Individuals can use the resource to act – from creating brave spaces, having courageous conversations, being an ally to acknowledging one’s role through critical literature, the steps to act become more tangible.
Resources (Anti-Asian Racism) The University of British Columbia: National Forum on Anti-Asian Racism Resources Individuals can use the resources to act – from considering how to get involved in organizations focused on addressing anti-Asian racism to considering how to respond to hate.
Resource (Anti-Indigenous Racism) Capilano University: Whose Land Is it Anyway? A Manual for Decolonization Individuals can use this manual as a handbook in understanding the history of colonization and the opportunity to expand world views and approaches that decolonization provides.
Training The University of British Columbia Extended Learning – Certificate in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)  Individuals can take this microcredential as a full certificate or relevant courses of interest to increase their capacity and toolkit with strategies and skills to collaborate across racial differences, dismantle systemic barriers, and co-create equitable, inclusive and safe workplaces.
Training Vancouver Community College: Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion : Training Opportunities Individuals can take training that is of interest to them; note some training is free and others have a cost attached to it.
Toolkit Bakau Consulting: Resources Toolkit Individuals can use the action section of this resource to consider steps to address racism and use inclusive language.
Toolkit Resilience BC: Anti-Racism Network – Anti-Racism Tools Individuals can use the various tools both as continued competence building as well as actionable resources.
Toolkit Simon Fraser University: Ten Strategies for Inclusivity in Remote or Online Learning Environments Individuals can use this toolkit to embed equity, diversity and inclusion into their curriculum and classrooms.
Toolkit The University of British Columbia – Fostering an Anti-Racist Campus Community: Identifying and Eliminating Racism From understanding how racism manifest itself into real-world examples to understanding actionable steps to increase awareness, action and allyship, individuals can use this toolkit to frame and proceed with intentional actions.
Toolkit The University of British Columbia – Intentional Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Decision-Making Toolkit  Individuals can use this toolkit to embed equity, diversity and inclusion into their decision-making processes.
Categorization Title and source Description
Framework The University of British Columbia: Differences that Matter: UBC’s Conflict Engagement Initiative Individuals can use this framework to understand and build an approach to conflict engagement in their work that can support healthy conflict not that of harm and destruction.
Funding The Anti-Racism Action Program Open to the education sector, individuals can apply to the Anti-Racism Action Program (when opened) for monetary support that reduces barriers and promotes participation amongst Indigenous Peoples, racialized communities and religious minorities.
Guide Vancouver Community College: Where to Start Your DEI Journey: A Guide to Employee Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Individuals can use this guide to action the inclusion of EDI/DEI focused questions in surveys.
Reporting Resilience BC: Report a Hate Crime Individuals can use this to inform their understanding of a hate crime and how to report it.
Resource Langara College: Interrupting Bias: Calling Out vs. Calling In Individuals as either a witness to or a recipient of bias are often left with the choice to do something or not. This resource provides both the understanding of bias and language that can be used to be seen and heard.
Resource Resilience BC: Resources for Victims of Racism and Hate Individuals can use this directory of resources either for themselves or to support someone who has been a victim of racism or hate.
Resource The University of British Columbia – Resources for Respectful Debate Individuals can use these resource to create an environment that allows for dialogue that is free of harassment, bullying and disrespect.
Resource (2SLGBTQ+) Kwantlen Polytechnic University: Beyond the Queer Alphabet: Conversations on Gender, Sexuality & Intersectionality Individuals can use this resource to consider steps to take in addressing experiences associated with hatred and bias towards members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and how education can play a role.
Resource (2SLGBTQ+) The University of British Columbia – Positive Space Language Recognizing that words have power, individuals can use this resource to increase their vocabulary with inclusive language of LGBT2SQIA+ terms.
Toolkit Bakau Consulting: Resources Toolkit Individuals can use the action section of this toolkit to begin using inclusive language and disrupt unconscious bias.
Toolkit University of Fraser Valley: Prejudice, Bias and Discrimination
How to Stop the Cycle
Individuals can use this toolkit to create approaches to dialogues, programming as well classrooms.
Video College of the Rockies: Module on being an Active Bystander Individuals can watch this video to learn different types of harmful behaviours and apply ways to being an active bystander.

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