
1. Diversity Factors in Health and Healing Assignment

Concepts for Practice Course

This assessment assignment aligns with Suggested Course Assessment 3 for the Concepts for Practice course.

Assignment Outline

The purpose of this assignment is for students to explore how factors such as culture, ethnicity generation, socio-economic status, religious or spiritual beliefs, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation intersect within families to shape health outcomes. By examining these intersections, students can deepen their understanding of how diverse family contexts impact health and healing journeys. Through exploration and personal reflection, students will develop insights that can inform culturally sensitive and inclusive health care practices.

Students will prepare a written reflection of 500 to 750 words that addresses the following components:

  1. List and describe two of your family traditions related to aging, health, or healing. (2 marks)
  2. Give an example of culture as it relates to your family for each of the following factors: socio-cultural, religious, economic, and environmental. (4 marks)
  3. Describe how diversity can influence an individual’s or family’s experience of aging. Include four diversity factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, generation, socio-economic status, religious or spiritual beliefs, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation) in your answer. (4 marks)
  4. Describe how diversity can influence an individual or family’s experience of illness and disability. Include family dynamics in relation to accessing health care and making decisions about treatment plans and procedures. Include at least four of the diversity factors in your answer. (4 marks)
  5. Describe how diversity can influence an individual’s and/or family’s experience of health and healing. Include all five dimensions of health in your answer (physical, psychological, cognitive, social, and spiritual). (4 marks)
  6. Describe four ways that you could provide culturally sensitive care to your clients. Be clear, detailed, and specific in your examples. (4 marks)

Note: The assignment is designed for students to answer all six questions (rather than choosing one question). This approach allows students to build on their reflections from each answer and build toward the final reflection on methods for providing culturally sensitive care.

Citation and Reference Style

For assignments requiring citation of resources, it is expected that the program would indicate the referencing style (e.g., APA) to be used and provide the necessary instruction and supporting materials for students to be successful in this criterion of the assignment. It would also be expected that citation and referencing resources would be included as a criterion in the marking rubric, with placement depending on the parameters of the assignment. Some resources for using APA citation and reference style are listed below.

  • Purdue University. (2019). APA citation basics. Purdue Online Writing Lab. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html
  • Simon Fraser University & Dymarz, A. (2021, September 10). General notes: APA (7th ed., 2020) citation guide. http://www.lib.sfu.ca/help/cite-write/citation-style-guides/apa

Sample Marking Rubric

Criteria Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Partially meets expectations Does not meet expectations
1. List and describe two of your family traditions related to aging, health, or healing.

(2 marks)

Thoroughly lists and describes two traditions with clear and detailed examples Lists and describes two traditions with some detail in the examples Lists and describes two traditions but lacks some detail Does not list or describe family traditions or provides minimal information
2 1–1.5 0.5–1 0–0.5
2. Give an example of culture as it relates to your family for each of the following factors: socio-cultural, religious, economic and environmental.

(4 marks)

Provides clear and detailed examples of how culture relates to family for each of the four factors

Shows a deep understanding of the relationship between culture and these factors

Provides good examples of how culture relates to family for each of the four factors

Shows a good understanding of the relationship between culture and these factors

Provides satisfactory examples for each of the four factors but lacks detail

Shows a basic understanding of the relationship between culture and these factors

Provides vague or no examples for the factors

Shows minimal understanding of the relationship

4 3 2 0–1
3. Describe how diversity can influence an individual’s or family’s experience of aging. Include four diversity factors.

(4 marks)

Thoroughly describes the influence of four diversity factors on the experience of aging Describes the influence of four diversity factors on the experience of aging Somewhat describes the influence of some diversity factors on the experience of aging Provides vague descriptions or does not describe the influence of the diversity factors
4 3 2 0–1
4. Describe how diversity can influence an individual or family’s experience of illness and disability. Include family dynamics and four diversity factors.

(4 marks)

Thoroughly describes how diversity can impact illness and disability, including consideration for family dynamics and four diversity factors Describes how diversity can impact illness and disability, including consideration for family dynamics Describes the influence with some examples but lacks detail on family dynamics or diversity factors Provides a limited description with minimal examples or does not include any factors
4 3 2 0–1
5. Describe how diversity can influence an individual’s and/or family’s experience of health and healing. Include the five dimensions of health.

(4 marks)

Thoroughly describes the influence including all five dimensions of health with detailed examples Describes the influence including most dimensions of health with some examples Describes the influence including some dimensions of health with few examples Provides a limited description or does not include any dimensions of health
4 3 2 0–1
6. Describe four ways that you could provide culturally sensitive care to your clients.

(4 marks)

Provides four clear, detailed, and specific examples of culturally sensitive care Provides three to four less thorough examples of culturally sensitive care Provides two to three examples but lacks detail Provides one to two examples that lack detail or does not provide examples
4 3 2 0–1
Format and presentation

(2 marks)

Content is presented in an organized and logical manner with appropriate headings and formatting Content is presented in a logical and organized manner Content is partially expressed in a logical manner Content is minimally or not presented in a clear and logical manner
2 1–1.5 0.5–1 0–0.5
Spelling and grammar

(1 mark)

There are no more than three errors in spelling or grammar There are no more than five errors in spelling or grammar There are more than five errors in spelling or grammar
1 0.5 0
Total possible marks:




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Health Care Assistant Program Supplement to the Provincial Curriculum 2023 Copyright © by Province of British Columbia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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