
2. HCA Workplace Settings Assignment

Introduction to Practice Course

This assessment assignment aligns with suggested course assessment 4 for the Introduction to Practice course.

Assignment Outline

The purpose of this assignment is for students to explore workplace settings that are compatible with your values, beliefs, interests, and career goals as a Health Care Assistant.

Students will do online research on potential employers and settings of employment in their communities and then prepare a written report of 500 to 750 words that addresses the following components:

  • Identify and describe a workplace setting (e.g., complex, community, or acute care) that interests you. Discuss why you would like to work there and outline a minimum of two challenges and two rewards of working in that setting.
  • Describe the mission and value statement of the prospective employer. Discuss how it aligns or does not align with your personal beliefs and values. Submit a copy of the employer’s mission statement along with your assignment and use APA referencing style to indicate your source(s).
  • Develop a personal mission statement that describes your beliefs, values, interests, and career goals (short- and long-term) as an HCA.

Students will be marked using the following criteria:

  • Their ability to thoroughly address the required components of the assignment (Total possible marks: 10/10)
  • The depth of their reflection regarding how their personal beliefs, values, goals, and interests align with that of the prospective employer (Total possible marks: 5/5)
  • Their ability to prepare a report that is well written and presented in an organized manner (Total possible marks: 5/5)

Citation and Reference Style

This assignment requires citation of resources, and it is expected that the program would indicate the referencing style (e.g., APA) to be used and provide the necessary instruction and supporting materials for students to be successful in this criterion of the assignment. It would also be expected that citation and referencing resources would be included as a criterion in the marking rubric, with placement depending on the parameters of the assignment. Some resources for using APA citation and reference style are listed below.

  • Purdue University. (2019). APA citation basics. Purdue Online Writing Lab. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html
  • Simon Fraser University & Dymarz, A. (2021, September 10). General notes: APA (7th ed., 2020) citation guide. http://www.lib.sfu.ca/help/cite-write/citation-style-guides/apa

Rubric: HCA Workplace Settings Assignment

Criteria Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Partially meets expectations Does not meet expectations
1. Required components

Possible marks: 10/10

Required components are thoroughly and thoughtfully addressed Required components are adequately addressed Required components are partially addressed Required components are minimally, inadequately, or not addressed
Describes the work setting, two rewards, and two challenges of working in the chosen work setting The work setting is fully described and clear, with detailed examples of two rewards and two challenges of working in the chosen setting are provided The work setting is described and examples of two rewards and two challenges of working in the chosen setting are provided The work setting is minimally described and/or examples of one or two rewards and one or two challenges of working in the chosen setting are provided A description of the work setting and appropriate examples of rewards and challenges are minimally or not provided
5 4 2–3 0–1
The mission/value statement of the employer has been submitted with the assignment and is appropriately referenced The mission/value statement of the employer has been submitted with the assignment and is appropriately referenced The mission/value statement of the employer has been submitted with the assignment and is appropriately referenced The information submitted as the employer mission/value statement is not a mission/value statement and is appropriately referenced An employer mission/value statement has not been submitted OR is not appropriately referenced
1 1 0.5 0
A personal mission statement related to the values, beliefs, interests, and career goals has been developed The personal mission statement is well prepared. It clearly addresses the beliefs, values, interests, and short- and long-term career goals of the student The personal mission statement adequately addresses the beliefs, values, interests, and short- and long-term career goals of the student The personal mission statement partially addresses the beliefs, values, interests, and short- and long-term career goals of the student A personal mission statement minimally or does not address the beliefs, values, interests, and short- and long-term career goals of the student
4 3 2 0-1
2. Reflection

Reflect on how the mission/value statement of the employer aligns/does not align with student’s personal beliefs, values, goals, and interests

Possible marks: 5/5

Response demonstrates an in-depth reflection on how the mission/value statement of the employer aligns with each of the following: personal beliefs, values, goals, and interests Response demonstrates an adequate reflection on how the mission/value statement of the employer aligns with the personal beliefs, values, goals, and interests Response demonstrates a partial reflection on how the mission/value statement of the employer aligns with the personal beliefs, values, goals, and interests Response demonstrates minimal or no reflection on how the mission/value statement of the employer aligns with the personal beliefs, values, goals, and interests
5 4 2-3 0-1
3. Writing mechanics

Possible marks: 5/5

Writing and sentence structure

Writing style is clear and concise, with excellent sentence and paragraph construction Writing style is mostly clear and concise, with adequate sentence and paragraph construction Writing style is partially clear, with a few errors in sentence and paragraph construction Writing is unclear and disorganized with errors in sentence and paragraph construction
2 1-1.5 0.5-1 0-0.5
Format and presentation Content is presented in an organized and logical manner with appropriate headings and formatting Content is presented in a logical and organized manner Content is partially expressed in a logical manner Content is minimally or not presented in a clear and logical manner
2 1-1.5 0.5-1 0-0.5
Spelling and grammar There are no more than three errors in spelling or grammar There are no more than five errors in spelling or grammar There are more than five errors in spelling or grammar There are many more than five errors in spelling or grammar
1 0.5 0-0.5 0
Total possible marks:




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Health Care Assistant Program Supplement to the Provincial Curriculum 2023 Copyright © by Province of British Columbia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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