
Revisions Summary Table

The following table provides a summary of the revisions made to the Health Care Assistant Program: Supplement to the Provincial Curriculum 2023.

Recommendation Relevant courses Revisions made
Provide activities and resources on topics regarding diversity, cultural humility, culturally sensitive care, and Indigenous health practices. Content to include diversity as it relates to diet.
  • Concepts for Practice
  • Common Health Challenges


  • Added and updated online resources, videos, and LearningHub courses.
  • Added five activities to Concepts for Practice:
    • Personal sharing
    • Discussion on culture and aging
    • Case studies on discrimination
    • Discussion addressing the course learning outcome 3.9
    • Book club activity
  • Added an assessment assignment on diversity in health and healing to Concepts for Practice.


Provide activities and resources regarding the enhanced and updated content in the Cognitive and/or Mental Health Course, including trauma-informed care, mental health models, and changes in core terminology.  Cognitive and/or Mental Health Challenges
  • Added and updated online resources, videos, and LearningHub courses.
  • Added a case study activity with a discussion and journal reflection regarding trauma-informed care and mental health.
  • Added a journal self-reflection activity on diverse perceptions in mental health and an activity for identifying and sharing mental health resources.
Review and enhance resources and activities regarding palliative care.  Common Health Challenges
  • Added and updated online resources, videos, and LearningHub courses.
  • Added an activity on the five trajectories of dying to replace an activity that had required paying for the resource.
Provide activities and resources regarding electronic-based documentation.  Concepts for Practice
  • Recommended a LearningHub course for the RAI Observation Tool.
  • Recommended LearningHub courses for Cerner, Meditech, and Procura.
  • Added online resources for edEHR, a Cerner wiki page and PointofCare.
Provide resources on the topic of creating and maintaining a respectful workplace. Introduction to Practice
  • Added and updated online resources, videos, and LearningHub courses.
  • Expanded on an existing workplace policy activity and created a role-playing activity.
Provide resources for curriculum additions and environmental scan results that are smaller in scope, including human development, communicable diseases, determinants of health, substance use, elder abuse, HCA oversight in B.C., and the Unfolding Case Study: Peter Schultz.
  • Concepts for Practice
  • Common Health Challenges
  • Lifestyle and Choices
  • Introduction to Practice
  • Cognitive and/or Mental Health Challenges
  • Added and updated online resources, videos, and LearningHub courses for the topics identified above.
  • Added two activities about how the B.C. Care Aide Registry oversees and regulates the HCA Program in B.C. One was added to the Introduction to Practice course and the other to the Cognitive and/or Mental Health Challenges course.
  • The Unfolding Case Study: Peter Schultz was combined and added to the end of Section 1 so it can be downloaded as a single file.
Provide information about task vs. restricted activities and medication management.
  • Introduction to Practice
  • Personal Care and Assistance
  • Language for tasks vs. restricted activities was updated throughout the Supplement.
  • A scenario-based activity was created that includes decision-making guidance regarding tasks and restricted activities. This activity replaced the assigned task/delegation decision-making tree.
  • Created an activity on best practices and reputable sources for legislation, regulations, and standards for guiding best practices.

In addition to the revisions made to the courses, revisions and updates were also made to sections 2, 3, 4, and 5, and the Unfolding Case Study: Caring for Peter Shultz activities were combined and added to the end of Section 1.


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Health Care Assistant Program Supplement to the Provincial Curriculum 2023 Copyright © by Province of British Columbia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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