Module 2: Communication and Collaboration

Positive Communication and Collaboration Approaches

Let’s discuss solutions for positive communication and collaboration in Indigenous digital literacy work.

Group work works

Indigenous Peoples work for the collective good rather than focusing on individual achievement. It is foreign to Indigenous Peoples to be tested as “individuals” for their knowledge when their usual context is seeing what the group can achieve collectively.

Place-based learning

Place-based learning (or place-based education) immerses students in the local heritage, cultures, landscapes, opportunities, and experiences, using these elements as a foundation for the study of subjects across the curriculum being taught.

Immersing students from all cultures in the local Indigenous cultures can provide a powerful and impactful learning experience.

Two-way learning

Two-way learning in Indigenous education can represent:

  • Instructor to student
  • Student to instructor
  • Student to student
  • Culture to culture

Two-way learning happens in the classroom, online, and in community.

Holistic approach to learning

Holistic approaches are inclusive of four interconnected elements: spirit and vision; emotional and relationship; mental and knowledge; and physical. In a classroom, this can be seen as the student wanting the big picture or the holistic view of the topic that includes integrating personal experiences, place-based learning, and Elders. Generally, our education systems teach content in siloed chunks that are not tied to the land the teaching is taking place on.

Use of story

Storytelling is a primary source of learning in Indigenous ways of knowing.

Learner notes

Source and recommended reading: Video: HAIDA GWAII – Raven and the First Men, 3:41 minutes.

Be or become

  • Be patient and provide the time needed.
  • Be respectful.
  • Be comfortable with quiet communications.
  • Be less direct.
  • Be ready to allow autonomy in learning.
  • Be creative with group work.
  • Be an advocate of two way-learning.
  • Be holistic in your teaching approach.
  • Be a storyteller.

Collaboration from start to finish

It is of utmost importance that you engage with the Indigenous Peoples and the host Nation throughout your work. Indigenous Traditional Knowledges should be considered sacred, and protocols need to be followed. Always remember that Indigenous Peoples are the primary guardians and interpreters of their cultures and their Knowledges. Everything in your work that is about Indigenous Peoples must have their input, review, and consent.


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Indigenous Digital Literacies Copyright © 2024 by Connie Strayer and Robyn Grebliunas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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