Module 2: Communication and Collaboration

Module 2 Summary and Reflection


It is important to understand that each Nation will have its own laws and ethics governing its ways of seeing and interpreting the world. The protocols featured here are culturally informed, land- and place-based protocols for communication and collaboration. But they are not exhaustive. Indigenous teachings and protocols are context-specific and dependent on the particular norms and practices of the particular Nation you are collaborating with, as well as the nature of engagement.

Remember to invest in the time required to establish trusting and meaningful relationships with your students and your host Nation.

Remember that each students and community members may communicate and collaborate differently based on history, cultural values, and lived experiences.

Remember to be patient. Your investment of time can lead to effective communication and collaboration in Indigenous digital literacy work.

Moving forward—applying what you know

The strategies and examples in this module are just a starting point to honour digital scholarship in the digital age. The technology examples provided can be applied in our personal life, professional life, and with students. It is also important to recognize new technology is constant, so be a lifelong learner.

Self-Assessment #4

Toolkit icon.Combining your knowledge from Module 1 and Module 2, how will you approach communication and community collaboration in your Indigenous digital literacy work?

Once you have answered this question, complete the following checklist as a post-assessment:

  • I understand that the impact of Residential Schools is ongoing.
  • I recognize that all Indigenous Peoples do not share a common culture.
  • I create a culturally inclusive environment for Indigenous students in my classroom.
  • I understand and implement the concept of strength-based language.
  • I recognize trauma responses in my students and understand a trauma-informed approach. I understand and carry out Indigenous communication protocols.
  • I avoid triggering language.

Record your responses in your Toolkit.


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Indigenous Digital Literacies Copyright © 2024 by Connie Strayer and Robyn Grebliunas is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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