
Facilitation Plan Example

(This is an example only, you can feel free to create your own plan.)


How much time is needed to complete this module: 2.5 hours

Learning Objectives:

  1. You will be able to recognize the difference between boundaries and ethics (including Peer Support Canada’s Code of Conduct)
  2. You will be able to integrate a mindset of mutuality in the co-creation of boundaries with the people you support.
  3. You will recognize the importance of, and be able to integrate, boundary creation into your personal self-nourishment practice.

Previous knowledge we want to tap into:

We will tap into what we covered regarding self-determination theory and implicit biases. We will take a culturally humble approach to creating boundaries. We will reference the Core Values.

Resources & Materials Needed:

Core Values handout. Handout of the module, or access to a digital copy. Have participants read the module ahead of time.

Assessment (How will we know that learning objectives have been met?):

I will assess based on the small group presentations.

Time Needed  Module Section  Content/Key Points: Facilitator Notes and Activities   Participant Activities 
15 Minutes Fundamental Principles within Peer Support TOPIC:

  • Code of Conduct from Peer Support Canada
  • Share campus policies and procedures.
Large group dialogue.
40 Minutes Clarity on Boundaries TOPIC:

  • Define boundaries
  • Role Clarification and Boundaries
  • Worldview and Biases
  • Social media and digital communication
Large group dialogue questions: Some people find conversations around boundaries difficult. What challenges can you see happening in the relationship if this dialogue never happens?

Why do you think some people struggle with boundary creation?

Small group work:

Social Media: Break into small groups. Have each group read the social media section together and process the reflection question. Then bring them back to the larger group to discuss together.

50 Minutes Communicating our Boundaries section of the module TOPIC:

  • Talk about how lack of boundaries causes resentment
  • Boundaries and conflict
  • Share some examples from my life about personal boundaries I’ve had to create
  • Cover empathy, self-determination and boundaries

  • Groups of three
  • Use the reflection questions in the Kindness with Boundaries section of the module, for the role-plays. Give each group 2-3 scenarios.
  • One person is the peer support worker, another is the program participant, and the third person is the observer
  • After they finish the role-plays ask the questions: how was that for you? What went well? What are some opportunities for growth that you can do differently next time?
35 Minutes Core Values Review TOPIC:

  • Have the group review the core values while considering what you covered in the about boundaries section.
Small group work: 

  • In groups of 3 or 4 have them read each core value, and dialogue about how they hold up each core values when creating boundaries
  • If you need to save time, you can break up the core values between the groups so they are all covered, and then they present to the larger group
10 Minutes Summary/Closure

  • Summarize what you covered today.
  • Tell the group about any homework or pre-reading for next session.
  • Have the group answer some self-reflection questions on their own (5 min)
  • Ask “how was today for you?” record what the group shares
  • If you have an evaluation, give that out

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