Section 3: Supporting Survivors Training Guide


This training can be delivered in both in-person and remote (online) formats. Changes required to deliver this workshop remotely, through a video conference platform such as Zoom, are minimal and are primarily within the activities sections and involve placing learners in breakout rooms to practice skills and discuss content. The details of adjustments for remote delivery can be found within the facilitator notes for the activities.

In most instances, delivering this training in person is preferable. In-person delivery usually provides a greater opportunity for connection and relationship building between facilitator and learners, greater engagement between all learners, and more opportunities for facilitators to check for comprehension. Advantages for remote delivery include convenience, ability to reach students off-campus or prior to arriving on campus and the ability to record trainings.

An ideal institutional practice would see all students, faculty, administration (including leadership) and staff complete this workshop early in the school year, perhaps within a suite of trainings (i.e., other training on preventing and responding to sexual violence). Regular updates of sexual violence trainings (e.g., yearly) is also a “wise practice.”

There are multiple opportunities to connect content found in this workshop to other training on sexual violence. For example, conversations about rape culture and myths about sexual violence in training on responding to disclosures can be linked to bystander intervention skills and how learners would respond to these situations. This training can also be included as part of the curriculum for various programs, a professional development opportunity for faculty and staff, or an extra-curricular credit offering.

Timing for 90 minute session

  • Territory acknowledgement
  • Welcome and Introduction
  • Group agreement
5 minutes
Part 1

  • Learning Objectives
  • Definitions: consent and sexual violence
  • Consent Tea video
  • Building tools discussion
  • Listen, Believe, Support
15 minutes
Part 2

  • Impacts of Trauma
  • Barriers to Disclosure
  • Rape Culture
  • Sexual Violence statistics
  • Responsibility
20 minutes
BREAK 5 minutes
Part 3

  • Goals of Responding
  • Empathy video
  • Active Listening
  • Believe
  • Disclosure and Reporting
  • Support
  • Support services brainstorm
  • Resources
  • Long-term support
  • Self-care
  • Practice activity
  • What can I do?
  • Scenarios activity
40 minutes
Closing: Questions, Takeaways and Further reading 5 minutes


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Supporting Survivors: Training and Facilitation Guide Copyright © 2021 by Sexual Violence Training Development Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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