
Unit 2: Snapshots of BC Culture

Welcome to Unit 2


In these pages, you will walk alongside some of the people of British Columbia. You will read a bit about arts and culture in our province. Along the way, you will learn many new skills that will help you be a stronger reader and writer.

Learning Goals

In Unit 2, you will:

  • Build your vocabulary
  • Find synonyms and antonyms for words
  • Study suffixes
  • Use capital letters correctly
  • Use contractions correctly
  • Read CVCE words
  • Write sentences using future tense

Setting Goals

Everyone has dreams. Setting goals is the first step to making our dreams come true.

Read this story about Sara. Sara is an adult learner in British Columbia. What are Sara’s goals?

My name is Sara. I am from Sudan. In Sudan, I had a friend named Ben. Ben was gay. When he walked, he moved his hips like a woman. Some men did not like Ben’s walk. These men did not like gay people. So they killed my friend Ben. I miss him so much. In 1998, I moved to British Columbia. One of the women in my neighbourhood had a gay son. When she found out her son was gay, she felt ashamed. She kicked him out of the house. These days, I invite her son to my house. I cook for him. He eats with my family. Some of my friends say I should not let this boy near my kids. They say he might turn my kids gay. I know that’s not true. The boy will always be welcome at my house. I take basic education classes four days a week. I want to learn to read and write. My goal is to make the world a better place. My goal is to stand up for human rights. This would have made my friend Ben happy.

Writing Task

Write the title Setting Goals in your notebook. On a new line, answer these questions:

  1. What are Sara’s goals? Make a list.
  2. What are your goals? Make a list.

In this unit, you will learn about some different faces of culture in British Columbia. As you go through each chapter, think about your goals. Let your goals move you toward doing your best work.


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BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 3 Copyright © 2015 by Shantel Ivits is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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