
Unit 3: Wild BC

Welcome to Unit 3


In these pages, you will take a walk along the forests, mountains, and oceans of British Columbia. You will read about some of the animals of our province. Along the way, you will learn many new skills that will help you be a stronger reader and writer.

Learning Goals

In Unit 3, you will:

  • Tell the difference between fact and opinion
  • Read open syllables
  • Read and write compound words
  • Read r-controlled syllables
  • Form an opinion
  • Write sentences using continuous present tense
  • Use clues to understand hard words
  • Read and understand homonyms

Talking about Time

A big part of being a good student is learning how to use your time well.

Read this story about Gus. Gus is very busy. How does he get by?

My name is Gus. I am 22 years old. I am a very busy guy. I work in a kitchen all day. I am a really good cook. One day, I want to go to college to become a chef. So after work, I go to night school where I learn to read and write. I have a learning disability. I went to high school in British Columbia, but I fell through the cracks. Sure, going to work and school at the same time is hard. I won’t give up, though. I just have to plan my time well. I always leave for work and school earlier than I need to. That way, I will always be on time. I make to-do lists to keep track of my homework and chores. I set myself deadlines for each task on my list. Thinking about my dream of being a chef helps me meet my deadlines, even when I don’t feel like it. And I make sure to leave lots of time for sleep, so that I’ll be at my best during the day. Like I said, I’m a busy guy. I’ve got big dreams.

Writing Task

Write the title Talking about Time in your notebook. On a new line, answer these questions:

  1. What strategies does Gus use to plan his time?
  2. What strategies would you like to use to plan your time?

In this unit, you will read about three different animals that call British Columbia home. As you go through each chapter, think about ways you can use your time well.


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BC Reads: Adult Literacy Fundamental English - Course Pack 3 Copyright © 2015 by Shantel Ivits is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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