
Chapter 6. States of Consciousness

Chapter Resources

Jessica Motherwell McFarlane


The reference list for this chapter has been excluded from this file to reduce page count. The full reference list can be viewed online at opentextbc.ca/psychologymtdi/chapter/states-of-conciousness-chapter-resources/.

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Chapter Attribution

“States of Consiousness” was written and adapted by Jessica Motherwell McFarlane and is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 licence. It was adapted from “States of Consciousness” in Introduction to Psychology & Neuroscience (2nd Edition) edited by Leanne Stevens, Jennifer Stamp, & Kevin LeBlanc, which is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 licence. In some cases, significant changes were made replacing the original text. Some of the original paragraphs remain intact. New content has been added.

About the Author: Jessica Motherwell McFarlane

Justice Institute of British Columbia

I am an uninvited guest working and living on the stolen territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh-ulh Temíx̱w (Squamish), and səl̓ilwətaɁɬ təməxʷ (Tsleil-Waututh) peoples. My ancestors were Celtic, British, and Germanic. As I a white, heterosexual, cisgender, able-bodied, healthy, middle class woman, I am committed to increasing my awareness of my advantages in life and using my privilege to benefit others. I have more than 30 years experience as a feminist scholar, instructor, researcher, and counsellor with a specialization in women’s development, gender, EDI and decolonization. I am the program developer and director of Life Outside the Box — a JIBC initiative — that focuses on using visual narratives (stick figure comics) to teach about oppression, anti-oppression best practices, and other social justice learning issues. I am a deeply spiritual, Nature-loving, Unitarian Universalist. My spiritual and religious beliefs inform my values around protecting the Earth; honouring the inherent worth and dignity of each person; committing myself to ending oppressive systems and actions; and supporting the rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ people. I have a fundamental commitment to conducting myself with supreme kindness and radical inclusivity in all my relationships. I adore spending time around children and babies which was one of the reasons I chose to earn a Ph.D. in developmental psychology. I have been honoured to teach many hundreds of students in my career — all of whom have taught me about my mistakes, trusted me to improve, and celebrated when I got it right. Every day, I am grateful for my husband, child, family — and cats — who fill my life with adventure, beauty, and love.

Jessica’s Dedication

I dedicate my chapters to the memory of Dr. Tannis MacBeth, who taught me everything I know about scholarly excellence and standing up for equity and social justice. I will always be grateful for her belief in me, and especially for her gift of covering my first drafts with red ink corrections so that I could learn to be better. Dr. Tannis taught me that our best chance to succeed against oppressive systems and social harms is to take supremely good care of ourselves, so we can remain empowered to continue making the difficult changes needed for a long time into the future.


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