Book Title: Introduction to Psychology
Subtitle: Moving Towards Diversity and Inclusion

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Book Description: This textbook aims to help create an engaging and inclusive learning environment and foster a life-long passion for the evolving discipline of psychology. It sets a high standard for academic excellence, scientific rigour, and inclusivity, making it essential for modern psychology instruction. It integrates discussions on the psychological impacts of colonization, offering a richer, more comprehensive view of psychology. Expert contributions from specialists bring deep understanding and practical relevance, while plain language descriptions make complex concepts accessible. Diverse voices—including those of women, BIPOC, queer, and disabled scholars—fill critical gaps left by traditional texts. Deep Dives and case studies provide in-depth exploration and real-world application, promoting critical thinking and peer-to-peer learning.
Book Information
Introduction to Psychology Copyright © 2024 by Jessica Motherwell McFarlane, Amelia Liangzi Shi, Dinesh Ramoo, and Tareq Yousef is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.