Observing and Recognizing the Signs
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Signs That Someone Is Contemplating Suicide
There are thoughts, feelings, physical effects, actions, and events that are common to a person’s experience and may give us clues to the possibility of suicide.
We need to be observant and notice these things, which by themselves may not be definitive indicators but will give us valuable clues to probe further. Remember:
- You already have these skills.
- Noticing the signs is the starting point.

What are possible thoughts that people who are contemplating suicide might be having?
They may be thinking:
- I can’t do anything right.
- I just can’t take it anymore.
- I can’t carry on like this.
- I wish I were dead.
- People will be better off without me.
- No one can do anything to help me.

If you hear a student say they feel helpless, hopeless, or worthless, these are red flags that they may be thinking about suicide. They may also be feeling angry, guilty, lonely, or sad.

People may feel ambivalent about dying. There is a huge difference between wanting to die and not wanting to live. Suicidal thoughts often come when pain exceeds a person’s resources.

Sometimes a person will make statements about their intention.
Direct statements could be:
- “I’m going to end it all.”
- “I’d be better off dead.”
- “If X happens (or doesn’t) I’m going to kill myself.”
Indirect statements could be:
- “I am a burden and people would be better off without me.”
- “My life has no purpose. I’ve lost hope.”
- “Nothing will ever change and I give up.”

Physical Signs
What physical signs might indicate someone is contemplating suicide?
- Lack of interest in appearance and hygiene
- Sleep disturbances
- Change or loss of appetite, weight
- Physical health complaints

A person’s actions can be a sign that they are considering suicide. Any of the following actions could be a warning sign:
- Withdrawing
- Loss of interest in favourite activities
- Misuse of drugs or alcohol
- Reckless behaviour
- Extreme behavioural changes
- Impulsivity
- Self-injury

Stressful Events or Loss
Ask the group: What stressful events would likely contribute to a person contemplating suicide?
Write down people’s answers, which may include:
- Academic failure
- Recent relationship breakup
- Financial instability
- Other suicides on or off campus
- Depression or other mental illness
- Family history of mental health events
- Humiliation, bullying, or harassment
- Recent death of family member or friend
- Anniversary date of the death of a family member or friend
- Critical health diagnosis or injury
The two most common themes are:
- Loss
- Change beyond a person’s control
Suicide Contagion
Suicide contagion, or copycat suicide, refers to the increase in suicide-related behaviour as a result of inappropriate exposure to or messaging about suicide. There is evidence to show that copycat suicides do occur under some circumstances. If someone is already vulnerable (depressed, anxious, isolated, has previously attempted suicide, or is showing other warning signs), one suicide can trigger another.
Suicide contagion is most pronounced when someone loses someone close to them. Youth appear to be especially vulnerable. Other conditions that can increase the risk of suicide contagion are high-profile, sensational portrayals of suicide in the media, or inadvertent glorification of a suicide victim. Providing safe and appropriate information about suicide helps to start positive dialogue and reduce the stigma associated with suicide.
Sometimes a person doesn’t give any signs that they are having suicidal thoughts before they end their life. This is a very difficult and painful thing to deal with. It brings us back to the importance of resiliency, self-care, and supporting each other.
However, there are things we can do. The next section looks at how we can respond to and support someone who may be thinking of suicide.
Text Attributions
- This chapter was adapted from Let’s Talk: A Workshop on Suicide Intervention by Dawn Schell, University of Victoria.
Media Attributions
- Slide 23: Trees and sunshine by Richs5812 is in Public Domain.