
Appendix 2: Sexual Violence Training Development Team

The resources for this project were developed, written, and reviewed collaboratively by a group of subject matter experts with project management and technical support provided by BCcampus. The development team included individuals with expertise in a wide range of areas, including sexual violence prevention and response, trauma-informed practice, adult education, equity and inclusion, Indigenous education, and community-based anti-violence programming and service delivery.

Matty Hillman Lead, Supporting Survivors Training
Meaghan Hagerty Co-Lead, Active Bystander Intervention Training and Accountability & Repairing Relationships Training
Amber Huva Co-Lead, Active Bystander Intervention Training and Accountability & Repairing Relationships Training
Melissa Singh Co-Lead, Consent and Sexual Violence Training
Sandra Suasnabar Alberco Co-Lead, Consent and Sexual Violence Training
Tasnim Nathoo Lead, Curriculum Development
Perminder Flora Subject matter expert (working with international students and multicultural considerations)
Jewell Gillies (Musgamgw Dzawada’enux) (they/them/theirs) Subject matter expert (Indigenization and decolonization and LGBTQ2SIA+ considerations)
Kate Rossiter Subject matter expert (community-based anti-violence programs and services)
Chanelle Tye Subject matter expert (LGBTQ2SIA+ and gender inclusivity)
Terri Bateman Instructional Designer
Robynne Devine
Project Manager
Kaitlyn Zheng Pressbooks Coordinator
Gabrielle Lamontagne Indigenous Coordinator


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Active Bystander Intervention: Training and Facilitation Guide Copyright © 2021 by Sexual Violence Training Development Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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