
Unit 1: Number Sense

Unit 1 Review: Number Sense

You will now practice all the skills you learned in Unit 1. Check your work using the answer key at the end of the review.

  1. Count the number of things in each picture. Write the number and word name.
    Picture Answer
    1. club. club, club, club, club, and club. club, club, club.
    Word Name:
    1. diamond, diamond, diamond, diamond, and diamond, diamond, diamond
    Word Name:
    1. heart, heart, heart, and heart, heart, heart
    Word Name:
    1. dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, dot, and dot, dot.
    Word Name:
    1. dot, dot, and dot, dot, dot
    Word Name:
  2. Fill in the blanks to make each sentence true. Draw a picture for questions b and e.
    1. 46 means           tens and           ones.
    2. 25 means           tens and           ones. Draw your picture below.
    3.            means           tens and           ones.
      ten. ten. ten, ten, ten, ten and one, one, one
    4. 138 =            hundreds,           tens,           ones.
    5. 231 =            hundreds,           tens,           ones. Draw your picture below.
    6.            hundreds           tens           ones = 
      hundred, hundred, hundred, and ten, ten, and one, one, one, one, one
  3. Write the place value names (ones, tens, hundreds) for each individual digit.
    1. 821
    2. 294
    3. 638
    4. 417
    5. 346
    6. 573
  4. Underline the digit for the place value named.
    1. hundreds, 164
    2. tens, 892
    3. tens, 250
    4. hundreds, 371
    5. ones, 485
    6. ones, 743
  5. Write the word names for the numbers.
    1. 73
    2. 14
    3. 5
    4. 39
    5. 52
    6. 496
    7. 803
    8. 640
  6. Write the numerals for these word names.
    1. forty-seven
    2. nineteen
    3. sixty-five
    4. thirty-eight
    5. twenty-four
    6. five hundred thirty-five
    7. three hundred sixty
    8. two hundred four
  7. Arrange these numbers in order from smallest to largest.
    1. 258, 32, 23, 282, 345, 534
    2. 452, 208, 27, 335, 635, 155
  8. Write <, > or = in each blank as needed.
    1. 37            52
    2. 4            0
    3. 349            394
    4. 67            67
  9. Round each number to the nearest ten.
    1. 37 ≈          
    2. 344 ≈          
    3. 68 ≈          
    4. 25 ≈          
    5. 51 ≈          
    6. 876 ≈          
  10. How much money do you have?
    1.          centsnickel, nickel, nickel, nickel, nickel, and nickel, nickel, nickel, nickel, nickel, and nickel, nickel, nickel, nickel
    2.          dollarstoonie, toonie, toonie, toonie, and toonie, toonie, toonie, and toonie, toonie, toonie, toonie, and toonie, toonie
    3.          cents
      dime, dime, dime, dime, dime, and dime, dime, dime, dime,
  11. Word problems.
    1. Hussein’s fruit stand sold 114 watermelons, 287 honeydew melons and 345 cantaloupes. Round each number to the nearest ten.
      Melon Number Rounded Number
    2. Yi-Min drove her delivery van 106 kilometres on Saturday, 187 kilometres on Sunday and 285 kilometres on Monday. Round each number to the nearest ten.
      Kilometres Number Rounded Number

Answers to Unit 1 Review

    1. 9, nine
    2. 7, seven
    3. 6, six
    4. 8, eight
    5. 5, five
    1. 4 tens, 6 ones
    2. 2 tens, 5 ones
    3. 63, 6 tens, 3 ones
    4. 1 hundred, 3 tens, 8 ones
    5. 2 hundreds, 3 tens, 1 one
    6. 325, 3 hundreds, 2 tens, 5 ones
    1. hundreds
    2. tens
    3. ones
    4. hundreds
    5. tens
    6. ones
    1. 164
    2. 892
    3. 250
    4. 371
    5. 485
    6. 743
    1. seventy-three
    2. fourteen
    3. five
    4. thirty-nine
    5. fifty-two
    6. four hundred ninety-six
    7. eight hundred three
    8. six hundred forty
    1. 47
    2. 19
    3. 65
    4. 38
    5. 24
    6. 535
    7. 360
    8. 204
    1. 23, 32, 258, 282, 345, 534
    2. 27, 155, 208, 335, 452, 635
    1. <
    2. >
    3. <
    4. =
    1. 40
    2. 340
    3. 70
    4. 30
    1. 70 cents
    2. 26 dollars
    3. 90 cents
    1. Melon Number Rounded Number
      Watermelons 114 110
      Honeydews 287 290
      Cantaloupes 345 350
    2. Kilometres Number Rounded Number
      Saturday 106 110
      Sunday 187 190
      Monday 285 290


Now you have finished Unit 1.


Ask your instructor for the Practice Test for this unit.

Once you’ve done the Practice Test,

You need to do the Unit 1 Test.

Again, ask your instructor for this.




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Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 1 - 2nd Edition Copyright © 2021 by Wendy Tagami and Liz Girard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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