
Learning Outcomes

To Know: Content (Learn)

Discuss and describe key content themes.

  • Unpack and elaborate on the definitions Kendi proposes.
  • Discuss the intersectional forms of racism that exist and their implications for individual experiences.
  • Gain a greater understanding of critical race theory, intersectionality, and other frameworks that offer context for the multidimensional nature of racism.

Consider and apply key learnings to various contexts.

  • Discuss implications of racism both individually and structurally.
  • Look at what racism means in the Canadian context.
  • Understand what racism means within global structures and systems.
  • Connect ideas across multiple contexts, including personal, professional, and pedagogical.

To Be: Citizenship (Reflect)

Recognize and identify personal steps to become an anti-racist.

  • Gain awareness of individual biases and the impact of our schemas on both our own and others’ experiences with racism.

Engage openly and authentically.

  • Communicate appropriately for various contexts, audiences, and purposes.
  • Facilitate and support others to have conversations about racism.
  • Recognize the importance of humility to anti-racism.
  • Apply intersectional and transdisciplinary lenses to the multidimensional elements of individual experience.

To Do: Communication (Apply)

Consider and apply key learnings to various contexts.

This includes self, society, and schools (specifically post-secondary education contexts).

  • Plan, design, and facilitate a book club, anti-racism task force, or similar equity, diversity, and inclusion undertaking at your institution.
  • Design and facilitate appropriate interventions that reflect an anti-racist approach and a pedagogy for self, society, and schools.

Apply learned methodology, frameworks, and techniques.

  • Create brave, safe, ethical spaces that allow for authentic sharing by approaching difficult conversations with generative discourse.
  • Effectively incorporate Book Club Hub resources, media, technology tools, and approaches to enhance communication and increase participants’ scope and understanding of the topics discussed.

Download this Learning Outcomes [PDF].


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