
Chapter 6. Imaging

6.8 Summary

Roberto Medeiros

Digital printing encompasses a number of technologies that each has unique characteristics, strengths, and applications. Digital imaging may even be the only print method able to produce a certain type of work, as is the case with VDP. Paper is also a major factor in the success of a project. Your paper choice can convey a message or set a tone as much as the content printed on it. Having a good understanding of technology and paper fundamentals can go along way when making choices for producing your print project.

Questions to consider after completing this chapter:

  1. All xerography can also be called electrophotography, but not all electrophotography can be called xerography. What key element validates this statement?
  2. What are the four key components in electrophotography?
  3. How does toner acquire its charge?
  4. What is the difference between paper brightness and whiteness?
  5. Which PDLs support an ICC colour-managed workflow?
  6. Which PDF/X standard leaves layers and transparency live?
  7. Why are data content and business rules critical in VDP?


Adobe Systems Incorporated. (2008). Adobe PDF in a print production workflow. Retrieved from http://www.adobe.com/studio/print/pdfs/PDF_wp_A9_updates_july08.pdf

Burton, J. (2008). A primer on UV-curable inkjet inks. Retrieved from http://www.signindustry.com/flatbed_UV/articles/2008-11-17-SGIA_Primer_on_UV-Curable_Inkjet_Inks.php3

Idealliance. (n.d.). Idealliance: About. Retrieved from http://www.idealliance.org/about

Nanography Lobby – Landa Nanography. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.landanano.com/nanography

PPML and PDF/VT. (n.d.). PODi key standards. Digital print case studies. Retrieved from http://www.standards.podi.org/

United States Environmental Protection Agency. (2000). Taking toxics out of the air [Overviews & Factsheets]. Retrieved from http://www.epa.gov/oaqps001/takingtoxics/index.html

Suggested Readings

Johnson, H. (2004). Mastering digital printing (2nd ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning PTR.

Nanography Lobby – Landa Nanography. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.landanano.com/nanography


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