H5P activities list
This book includes 201 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
21 | "Big ideas" in plate tectonic theory | Multiple Choice | |
22 | Chapter 1 key terms | Dialog Cards | |
23 | Viewing the past in the Hubble Ultra Deep Field | Column | |
24 | Spot the red-shifted spectrum | Column | |
25 | Periodic Table Practice: Common elements in the story of big bang and stellar nucleosynthesis | Dialog Cards | |
26 | Composition of the earliest planets in the universe | Dialog Cards | |
27 | What is the frost line? | Column | |
28 | Summary of object types in the solar system | Drag Text | |
29 | Solar system formation drag and drop | Column | |
30 | Pallasite meteorite interpretation | Column | |
31 | Earth bombardment by space objects | Column | |
32 | Key ideas about the hunt for other planets | Dialog Cards | |
33 | Analysis of Kepler-102 exoplanet system | Course Presentation | |
34 | Chapter 2 key terms | Dialog Cards | |
35 | Big bang concept check | Column | |
36 | Continental versus oceanic crust | Drag Text | |
37 | Is the lithosphere part of the mantle? | Accordion | |
38 | Names and compositions of Earth's layers | Column | |
39 | Nanaimo bar analogy for Earth's layers | Column | |
40 | Moho location (lithosphere concept check) | Column | |