H5P activities list
This book includes 201 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.
ID | Title | Activity type | Show/Hide |
61 | Testing for hardness | Column | |
62 | Cleavage, fracture, and crystal habit | Column | |
63 | Common rock-building minerals | Dialog Cards | |
64 | Key terms about minerals | Dialog Cards | |
65 | Rock or mineral? | Fill in the Blanks | |
66 | What kinds of rock are these: igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic? Drag and drop the correct label. | Drag and Drop | |
67 | Drag and drop the rocks and processes to show the correct sequence of events in the rock cycle pathway shown here. | Drag and Drop | |
68 | Key terms about the rock cycle | Dialog Cards | |
69 | Bear Lodge: Intrusive or Extrusive? | Column | |
70 | What's the melting point of a rock? | Multiple Choice | |
71 | Types of melting and phase diagrams | Column | |
72 | Mafic and felsic compositional categories | Fill in the Blanks | |
73 | Bowen's Reaction Series | Column | |
74 | Rock identification using mineral abundances | Column | |
75 | Which phenocrysts will form? | Column | |
76 | Estimating ferromagnesian mineral content | Column | |
77 | Textural terms applying to a basalt sample | Column | |
78 | Types of intrusions: interpret a diagram | Column | |
79 | Identifying igneous intrusions from photographs | Column | |
80 | Extra practice on magma crystallization | Column | |