
Additional Resources


Campbell, M., et al. (1992). Strategies for survival. In Give Back: First Nations perspectives on cultural practice. (Gallerie Women Artists’ Monographs, No. 11). Gallerie Publications.

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. (2012). 8th Fire: Aboriginal Peoples, Canada and the way forward (TV series and interactive website with teaching resources; videos available to Curio.ca subscribers only, or for purchase on iTunes). https://curio.ca/en/collection/8th-fire-1615/

Dashuk, J. (2014). Clearing the plains: Disease, politics of starvation, and the loss of Aboriginal life. University of Regina Press.

Fletcher, W. (2011). A dialogue on the history and legacy of the Indian Residential Schools

. https://indigenousfoundations.arts.ubc.ca/ubc-dialogue-full-video-record/


King, T. (2003). The truth about stories: A Native narrative. House of Anasi Press. Podcast available at CBC – Massey Lectures: http://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/the-2003-cbc-massey-lectures-the-truth-about-stories-a-native-narrative-1.2946870

King, T. (2012). The inconvenient Indian: A curious account of Native people in North America. Anchor Canada.

McFarlane, P., & Schabus, N. (eds.). (2017). Whose land is it anyway? A manual for decolonization. Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC.

Miller, B. G. (ed). (2008). Be of good mind. Essays on the Coast Salish. UBC Press.

St. John, M. (director). (2016). Colonization road. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. https://www.cbc.ca/documentarychannel/docs/colonization-road

Thomas, R., & Green, J. (2007). A way of life: Indigenous perspectives on anti-oppressive living. First Peoples Child and Family Review, 3(1), 91–104. Retrieved from https://fpcfr.com/index.php/FPCFR/article/view/27


Absolon, K. E. (2011). Kaandossiwin: How we come to know. Fernwood Publishing.

Armstrong, J., & Cardinal, D. (1991). The native creative process: A collaborative discourse. Theytus Books.

Battiste, M., & Henderson, J. Y. (2000). Protecting Indigenous knowledge and heritage: A global challenge. Purich Press.

Blackstock, C. (2011). The emergence of the breath of life theory. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 8(1). https://www.jswve.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/10-008-109-JSWVE-2011.pdf

Cajete, G. (1993). Look to the mountain: An ecology of Indigenous education. Kivaki Press.

Fixico, D. (2003). The American Indian mind in a linear world: American Indian studies and traditional knowledge. Routledge.

Ghostkeeper, E. (2007). Spirit giving: The concept of spiritual exchange. Writing on Stone Press.

Hansen, J. G., & Antsanen, R. (2016). Elders’ teachings about resilience and its implications for education in Dene and Cree communities. International Indigenous Policy Journal, 7(1). https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/iipj/vol7/iss1/2/

Hart, M. A. (2002). Seeking Mino-Pimatisiwin: An Aboriginal approach to helping. Fernwood Publishing.

Maddison, S. (2013). Indigenous identity, “authenticity” and the structural violence of settler colonialism. Identities: Global studies in culture and power, 20(1), 288–303. https://doi.org/10.1080/1070289X.2013.806267

Regan, P. (2011). Unsettling the settler within: Indian residential schools, truth telling, and reconciliation in Canada. UBC Press.

Restoule, J. P., & Chaw-win-is. (October 2017). Old ways are the new way forward: How Indigenous pedagogy can benefit everyone (Reflection paper prepared for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO). http://lss.yukonschools.ca/uploads/4/5/5/0/45508033/20171026_old_ways_are_the_new_way_forward_how_indigenous_pedagogy_can_benefit_everyone_final.pdf

Sensoy, Ő., & DiAngelo, R. (2012). Is everyone really equal? An introduction to key concepts in social justice education. Teachers College Press.

Smith, L. T. (2012). Decolonizing methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples (2nd ed.). Zed Books.

Stonechild, B. (2006). The new buffalo: The struggle for Aboriginal post-secondary education in Canada. University Press.

Wilson, S. (2008). Research is ceremony: Indigenous research methods. Fernwood Publishing.


Brokenleg, M., et al. (1990). Reclaiming youth at risk: Our hope for the future. National Educational Service.

Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, University of British Columbia. (2016). Time and place at UBC: Our histories and relations. http://timeandplace.ubc.ca/user-guide/introduction/

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Beyond 94: Truth and reconciliation in Canada.

Doran, A. (April 2017). How to be an ally to Indigenous People (Blog post, Indigenous Perspectives Society). http://ipsociety.ca/2017/04/

First Nations and Indigenous Studies, University of British Columbia. (2007). What I learned in class today: Aboriginal issues in the classroom (Research project with student videos). https://intheclass.arts.ubc.ca/

Fraser, C., & Komarnisky, S. (August 4, 2017). 150 acts of reconciliation for the last 150 days of Canada’s 150.

Gehl, L. (n.d.). Ally bill of responsibilities. https://www.lynngehl.com/ally-bill-of-responsibilities.html

Joseph, R. (Chief Dr.). (2016). Healing a nation through truth and reconciliation. TEDXEastVan. https://youtu.be/rJQgpuLq1LI

KAIROS Canada. (1997). The KAIROS blanket exercise. https://www.kairosblanketexercise.org/

Kuokkanen, R. (2007). Reshaping the university: Responsibility, Indigenous epistemes, and the logic of the gift. UBC Press.

Pete, S. (2016). 100 ways: Indigenizing and decolonizing academic programs. Aboriginal Policy Studies, 6(1) 81–89. https://journals.library.ualberta.ca/aps/index.php/aps/article/view/27455/pdf

Younging, G. (2018). Elements of Indigenous style: A guide for writing by and about Indigenous Peoples. Brush Education.


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Pulling Together: A Guide for Teachers and Instructors Copyright © 2018 by Bruce Allan; Amy Perreault; John Chenoweth; Dianne Biin; Sharon Hobenshield; Todd Ormiston; Shirley Anne Hardman; Louise Lacerte; Lucas Wright; and Justin Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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