
Additional Resources

There is a rich and growing body of books, videos, and articles focusing on Indigenizing education. The following resources have been chosen to support the journey outlined in this guide.

Arts Law Centre of Australia. (2012, June 12). Indigenous knowledge consultation: Have your say [pdf] (letter to IP Australia). Arts Law Centre of Australia. https://www.artslaw.com.au/images/uploads/Submission%20to%20IP%20Australia%2014-6-12(1).pdf

Crosby, M. V. (1994). Indian art/Aboriginal title (Unpublished master’s thesis). University of British Columbia,  https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/ubctheses/831/items/1.0087525

First Peoples’ Cultural Council. (2014). Report on the status of B.C. First Nations languages 2014 [PDF] (2nd ed.) First Peoples’ Cultural Council. http://www.fpcc.ca/files/PDF/Language/FPCC-LanguageReport-141016-WEB.pdf

Hansen, S. A., & VanFleet, J. W. (2003). Traditional knowledge and intellectual property: A handbook on issues and options for traditional knowledge holders in protecting their intellectual property and maintaining biological diversity. \American Association for the Advancement of Science. https://iportal.usask.ca/record/67783

Law Library of Congress. (2010). New Zealand: Māori culture and intellectual property law [PDF]. https://www.loc.gov/law/help/nz-maori-culture/nz-maori-culture-and-intellectual-property-law.pdf

National Congress of American Indians Policy Research Centre. (n.d.). Research that benefits Native people: A guide for tribal leaders. https://archive.ncai.org/policy-research-center/initiatives/research-regulation

World Intellectual Property Organization. (n.d.). Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works. World Intellectual Property Organization. http://www.wipo.int/treaties/en/ip/berne/

Websites and portals

First Peoples’ Cultural Council. First voices language porta. https://www.firstvoices.com/

Center for Digital Scholarship and Curation, Washington State University. Mukurtu CMS. Indigenous traditional knowledge digital heritage system. Mukurtu is a Warumungu word meaning “dilly bag,” or a safe keeping place for sacred materials. https://mukurtu.org/

British Columbia university research centres and databases

University of British Columbia. Indigenous Portal. Highlights faculty-led, student-led, and community-led research projects. http://aboriginal.ubc.ca/research/

University of Northern British Columbia. National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health. One of six national public health centres, publicly funded since 2005. https://www2.unbc.ca/nccih

University of Victoria. Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-Led Engagement (CIRCLE). https://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/circle/


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Pulling Together: A Guide for Researchers, Hiłḵ̓ala Copyright © 2021 by Dianne Biin; Deborah Canada; John Chenoweth; and Lou-ann Neel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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