

The following Indigenous faculty and advocates wrote this guide:

  • Dr. John Chenoweth is a Syilx educator and dean of Community Education and Applied Programs at Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
  • Dr. Deborah Canada was a Métis–Swampy Cree researcher and educator and dean of Academic Programs at Nicola Valley Institute of Technology
  • Dianne Biin is a Tsilhqot’in educator, manager of Indigenous Education and Engagement at Selkirk College, and was the project manager for the BCcampus Indigenization Project
  • Lou-ann Neel is a Kwakwa̱ka̱ʼwakw artist and advocate and acting head of the Indigenous Collections and Repatriation Department at the Royal BC Museum.

This guide was brainstormed and drafted during a weekend design retreat. As we got to know one another during the first day, we acknowledged the role that Indigenous leaders, matriarchs, and knowledge keepers have played to bring Indigenous research forward. They have maintained a standard of respect, integrity, honour, and trust when forging and building new relationships. Today, they help focus our work. The knowledge, protocols, and processes they share ensures collaborative research can rebuild our communities and create places where we stand together. We thank them for the teachings they provide us, as it gives us strength to work in spaces of resistance.

We also want to thank BCcampus and the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Training for providing this space to come together and share our experiences on Indigenous research and traditional knowledge protection with post-secondary institutions. We thank the research areas of these post-secondary institutions for their commitment and the good work they can do to assist with Indigenization and reconciliation.


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Pulling Together: A Guide for Researchers, Hiłḵ̓ala Copyright © 2021 by Dianne Biin; Deborah Canada; John Chenoweth; and Lou-ann Neel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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