
Book Title: Block A: Medical Gas Systems

Subtitle: Plumbing Apprenticeship Program Level 4

Author: SkilledTradesBC

Cover image for Block A: Medical Gas Systems

Book Description: The content of this block is organized to introduce the plumber apprentice to medical gas systems. Medical gases are used every day by millions of people in thousands of different locations. These gases perform a critical role in healthcare delivery in such locations as hospitals, homes, ambulances, dental offices, and more. This block discusses installing medical gas systems, testing and commissioning medical gas systems, and maintaining medical gas systems. Each competency includes a list of definitions to support student learning and each learning task includes a self-test to enable students to check their understanding of the content.

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Block A: Medical Gas Systems Copyright © by SkilledTradesBC. All Rights Reserved.


Plumbing skills and techniques


Block A: Medical Gas Systems

© 2024 SkilledTradesBC

This book is ready for classroom use, but it has some copyright issues that BCcampus is working to resolve. As such, we’ve left this book as “All Rights Reserved.” Please use this book in the classroom and for learning but refrain from distributing it widely. Once we get the copyright issues resolved, we will add a CC BY-NC-SA license to the book. If you have any questions, please contact oerproduction@bccampus.ca.

Sample APA-style citation (7th Edition):

 SkilledTradesBC. (2024). Block A: Medical gas systems. BCcampus. https://opentextbc.ca/plumbing4a/

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Primary Subject
Plumbing skills and techniques
Publisher City
Victoria, B.C.