
Appendix C: Additional Resources


Campus Stores Canada: Provider of educational resources, professional development, and professional support to member stores that serve students, faculty, staff, vendors, and the government.

College and University Print Management Association of Canada (CUPMAC): From their website: “Established in 1968, CUPMAC is a community for print managers and industry professionals from post-secondary institutions across Canada to share knowledge, advance their operations and navigate the evolving print industry.”

National Association of College Stores (NACS): The professional trade association of the campus store industry, representing nearly 4,000 campuses in the U.S. and Canada and approximately 1,000 companies that supply goods and services to campus stores.

  • CAMEX: The Campus Market Expo is the annual convention for NACS.

Printing services

The below printing and print-on-demand services are a sample of those used by readers and publishers of open educational resources:[1]

Further reading

  1. This list is not intended to be an endorsement of these services.


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Print-on-Demand Guide Copyright © 2020 by BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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