Book Title: Print-on-Demand Guide
Subtitle: A reference for setting up an open textbook print-on-demand service

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Book Description: The Print-on-Demand Guide provides an overview for post-secondary institutions interested in offering on-demand and pre-order printing services for open textbooks and other OER. Discussions on why offering a print option enhances learning accessibility for some students are included, as well as, templates that can be used to take inventory of open educational activity and interest on campus.
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Book Description
The Print-on-Demand Guide provides an overview for post-secondary institutions interested in offering on-demand and pre-order printing services for open textbooks. In addition to being an instruction manual, various templates in this guide can be used as tools for taking inventory of open educational activity and interest on campus. For post-secondary institutions interested in expanding student accessibility to learning, information on personal preference, limited computer and internet availability, learning needs, literacy, and accessibility in general provides background on why to offer a print option for course materials.
The guide is laid out in four parts and covers the history behind print on demand; situations when printing open textbooks is warranted; reasons why an on-campus print-on-demand service benefits the post-secondary community; suggestions, considerations, and templates for setting up a print-on-demand service. Chapters include research, real-life examples, and quotes from bookstores, printshops, and libraries.
Print-on-Demand Guide Copyright © 2020 by BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Prints and printmaking