


“an unplanned event that interrupts the completion of an activity, and that may include injury or property damage” and often includes an element of fate or chance (CCOHS, 2019).


The reader of your writing. The audience can be specific (like your supervisor) or more general (like customers at your workplace).

Behavioural questions

Interview questions that focus on how you act in the workplace.


A skill or talent that has potential for development or use.


Working with others to complete a task.


Dedication and interactive engagement in a process, loyalty to a cause, and the ability to follow through with a project.


The act of exchanging information.

Competency based questions

Interview questions that focus on your knowledge and experience related to the job.

Continuous Learning

The practice of looking for opportunities to learn towards expanding knowledge, skills, and capabilities.


The meaning of the term as it is being used here means written material that is to be published. A short form of copywriting.

Critical thinking

The process of analyzing information for solving problems.

Digital skills

Skills “needed to understand and process information from digital sources, use digital systems, technical tools, and applications” (Skills/Compétences Canada, 2021).

Document use

Reading, interpreting, understanding, locating, and creating common workplace documents.


Expressing our opinions and assumptions as fact.


Making changes to your writing to more clearly emphasize the audience, purpose and tone while improving clarity, consistency and organization.

Emotional intelligence

The ability to recognize and manage your emotions.


The ability to understand others’ perspectives and situations.


The skills and capabilities required for employment.


The science or system of ensuring safe workplace conditions for the worker and can include but is not limited to lifting, desk positioning, lighting, driving, and repetitive tasks such as using hand tools.


Rules and conventions to follow to appear polite and professional

Experiential Learning

The process of learning through experience.


Information provided by others and often used for reflection and self-improvement.


The object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result (Lexico, 2021).


The harm that something can cause to a person’s health, to property, or to the environment (Government of Canada, 2009).


The ability to see yourself honestly in interactions and situations.


Any “occurrence, condition, or situation arising in the course of work that resulted in or could have resulted in injuries, illnesses, damage to health” or property (CCOHS, 2019).


A question and answer discussion between an interviewer and a potential candidate.

Linear communication

The process of one-way communication.


“the use of numbers and [the] capability to think in quantitative terms” (Skills/Compétences Canada, 2021).


Similar to a goal, this is a desired aim, or the statement denoting that goal includes a timeline and an endpoint in sight.


Occupational Health and Safety.


The ability to have a positive future outlook.


When you are interviewed by a group of two or more interviewers.

Personal characteristics

Specific characteristics you are protected against discrimination in the British Columbia Human Rights Code


Personal protective equipment.


An external environmental factor that indicates urgency in a matter and the need to respond to a request or complete an action.


How you identify the importance or value of tasks. You may prioritize based on time, importance, and complexity.


A delayment in the process of completing accumulating tasks and attending to a growing list of responsibilities. This notion results in a snowball effect of stress, pressure, and negative outcomes.


Updating your writing to ensure it is free of grammar, spelling, typos and other minor writing errors.


The reason why you are writing. Purpose focuses on action. Some common purposes for writing are to request information, to provide information, to make a complaint or to persuade.


People who support your candidacy in a job by talking about you with your potential employer after an interview has taken place


A process of reviewing and documenting that enables an individual to learn from their previous trials and errors, their faults, and their experiences.

Reflective Practice

The ability to spend time to assess situations and our participation to inform learning and future behaviours.


The process of editing or refining your written work before you share it with your intended audience.


A set sequence of actions that provide structure, improve time utilization, and enhance work quality.


Safety Data Sheets, sometimes referred to as MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets). These are summary documents that outline the hazards of a product and advise regarding proper handling and use.


A process of self-study where an individual identifies their personal traits and attributes which enable them or hinder their progress.


The ability to recognize your strengths and weaknesses.


Belief in self and advocacy for self.


able to provide for your own needs; capable of relying on self; includes sense of ownership and responsibility; as a worker you feel empowered as you work toward completing goals, objectives, and tasks.

Situational questions

Interview questions that focus on how you respond to different scenarios.


“The ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in” implementation “or performance” (Merriam-Webster, n.d.).

STAR Format

Situation, task, action, result. STAR format is a structure you can use for responding to an interview question.


The particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time.


An internal bodily response to initiate the need to prepare and take on a challenging situation.


According to WorkSafeBC, a supervisor “is a person who instructs, directs, and controls workers in the performance of their duties. A supervisor can be any worker – management or staff – who meets this definition, whether or not [they] have the supervisor title. If someone in the workplace has a supervisor’s responsibilities, that person is responsible for worker health and safety” (WorkSafeBC, 2021a).

Time management

How you use your time and spread it out across different parts of your life.


The way you sound to your audience. It summarizes the attitude of your writing. Professional writing tone typically is direct, confident, sincere, and positive.


A personal or professional attribute, when viewed positively this can give a worker an advantage in their task completion process.

Transactional communication

The process of two-way communication.

Verbal Communication

“any type of interaction that makes use of spoken words” including answering the phone, personal discussions, staff meetings, presentations, and informal conversations (Inc., 2020).


An abbreviation for Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System, which is the system for providing information about chemicals used in the workplace. This information should be provided through product labels, material safety data sheets (MSDS), and worker education programs. (CCOHS, 2021)

WIL (work-integrated learning)

Methods of integrating what is learned in the classroom to real-world experience.

WorkSafe BC

The provincial organization that governs work safety in British Columbia. Each province and territory have a designated agency. WorkSafeBC provides work health insurance, information and education, compensation, and support around workplace safety.


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Getting Ready for Work-Integrated Learning Copyright © 2022 by Deb Nielsen; Emily Ballantyne; Faatimah Murad; and Melissa Fournier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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