
Chapter 9: Effective Communication

Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, the reader will be able to:

  • Explain the communication process.
  • Recognize barriers to communication.
  • Identify the three major communication styles.
  • Develop active listening techniques.
  • Develop techniques to communicate professionally (assertively) (appropriately depending upon the situation). (effective complaints, saying no, texting vs calling)
  • Receive, utilize, and provide feedback effectively.

Terms to Know

Communication – The act of exchanging information.

Linear communication – The process of one-way communication.

Transactional communication – The process of two-way communication.

Dogmatism – Expressing our opinions and assumptions as fact.

Feedback – Information provided by others and often used for reflection and self-improvement.

Case Study: Talia (She/Her) Worries About Her Communication Skills

Talia is thrilled with her WIL position at the vet clinic, Pawsome Animal Hospital.  She loves animals and this will be a great experience to add to her resume and veterinary school  application. She’s a little intimidated though, about answering the phone, making appointments, and greeting clients. She’s always been a little shy and quiet. She would like to know more about the communication process. How should it sound when people are speaking and writing professionally? What if someone makes a complaint? How do you respond without getting upset? She also knows that feedback will be part of the WIL experience and she’s a little nervous about this piece of the process.  Let’s look at some ways to help Talia feel more comfortable in her new role.



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Getting Ready for Work-Integrated Learning Copyright © 2022 by Deb Nielsen; Emily Ballantyne; Faatimah Murad; and Melissa Fournier is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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