Search Results for: special IV

    8.5 Flushing a Saline Lock and Converting a Saline Lock to a Continuous IV Infusion

    A saline lock (SL), also known as a heparin lock, is a peripheral intravenous cannula connected to extension tubing with a positive pressure cap (see Figure 8.7). This device allows easy access to the peripheral vein for intermittent IV fluids or medications (Perry, et al., 2014). The saline lock is “flushed” or filled with normal Read more »

    7.6 Administering Intermittent Intravenous Medication (Secondary Medication) and Continuous IV Infusions

    Intravenous intermittent infusion is an infusion of a volume of fluid/medication over a set period of time at prescribed intervals and then stopped until the next dose is required. An intermittent IV medication may be called a piggyback medication, a secondary medication, or a mini bag medication (see Figure 7.16). Intravenous medications may be given Read more »

    7.5 Intravenous Medications by Direct IV Route

    Intravenous (IV) is a method of administering concentrated medications (diluted or undiluted) directly into the vein using a syringe through a needleless port on an existing IV line or a saline lock. The direct IV route usually administers a small volume of fluid/medicine (max 20 ml) that is pushed manually into the patient. Medications given by Read more »

    1.4 Additional Precautions and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    Certain pathogens and communicable diseases are easily transmitted and require additional precautions to interrupt the spread of suspected or identified agents to health care providers, other patients, and visitors (PIDAC, 2012). Additional precautions are used in addition to routine precautions and are defined by how a microorganism is transmitted (Perry et al., 2014). Types of Additional Read more »

    8.8 Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)

    Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), also known as parenteral nutrition (PN) is a form of nutritional support given completely via the bloodstream, intravenously with an IV pump. TPN administers proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. It aims to prevent and restore nutritional deficits, allowing bowel rest while supplying adequate caloric intake and essential nutrients, and removing antigenic Read more »

    10.7 Ostomy Care

    An ostomy is a surgically created opening from the urinary tract or intestines, where effluent (fecal matter, urine, or mucous) is rerouted to the outside of the body using an artificially created opening called a stoma. A stoma typically protrudes above the skin, is pink to red in colour, moist, and round, with no nerve sensations. Read more »

    8.7 Transfusion of Blood and Blood Products

    All health care practitioners who administer blood or blood products must complete specific training for safe transfusion practices and be competent in the transfusion administration process. Always refer to your agency policy for guidelines for preparing, initiating, and monitoring blood and blood product transfusions. These guidelines apply to adult patients only. The transfusion of blood Read more »

    10.8 Summary

    When patients have tubes and attachments to aid in their recovery, health care providers are required to understand the type, purpose, precautions, complications, and interventions to ensure treatment is effective and to prevent patient harm. Each tube and attachment is unique, and the function of the tube, care of the patient, and safety precautions must Read more »

    10.6 Chest Tube Drainage Systems

    A chest tube, also known as a thoracic catheter, is a sterile tube with a number of drainage holes that is inserted into the pleural space. The pleural space is the space between the parietal and visceral pleura, and is also known as the pleural cavity. A patient may require a chest drainage system any time Read more »

    10.5 Tracheostomies

    A tracheostoma is an artificial opening made in the trachea just below the larynx. A tracheostomy tube is a tube that is inserted through the opening, or stoma, to create an artificial airway. Patients who need long-term airway support (long-term patients who are intubated) or who have a need to bypass the upper airway may receive Read more »