
Next Steps

The information gathered in the previous activities should help you to identify which SV training or resources to adapt to your context.

You can use the following planning wheel to help determine what steps are needed next to adapt and develop this training or resource.

Inner ring: What principles are included in the SV training or resource you have identified? You can consider the eight principles described in this toolkit as well as other principles identified through your evaluation process. Which are relevant to your needs and context?

Middle ring: What needs to happen to adapt this training or resource to your context? What are the next steps? For each of the six elements, there is space to describe what is already in place, barriers to implementation, and suggestions for moving forward.

Outer ring: Does this training fall into the area of Awareness, Prevention or Response? Are there steps you need to take to ensure that this initiative “fits” with other SV activities and initiatives at your PSI?

QuoteSpeaking as someone who has been involved in developing and implementing materials on SV for two institutions, I’ve often felt overwhelmed at where to start. The planning wheel summarizes three huge concepts: proactive and reactive approaches, key principles, and learning design.
QuoteA decolonial approach to planning also means understanding that being ‘evidence informed’ includes evidence which may be based on relationship-building, storytelling, Elder knowledge, and knowledge related to the specific territory and community.

The planning wheel. Described in the text preceeding the image.


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Evaluating Sexualized Violence Training and Resources Copyright © 2020 by SVM Training and Resources Working Group is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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