
Worksheet #2: Reviewing and Evaluating Existing SV Training and Resources

You can use this worksheet to help assess existing resources and to determine whether they can be adapted by your PSI.

You may want to consider some of the following questions:

  • Principles: What is the overall approach used in the training or resource? Some principles may be explicitly stated while others may be implicit.
  • Audience: Is it applicable to students, faculty, staff, or all? Is there a target audience (e.g., age, women/men/gender diverse individuals)? Has the training been used on campus or only in the community?
  • Content: What are the learning goals/outcomes of the training? Is it theory-driven? Comprehensive? Based on evidence?
  • Format & Design: Does the learning take place online or in person? How long is the training? How was the training developed (e.g., consultation with specific groups, academic review)? How have the needs and learning styles of different groups of learners been considered?
  • Delivery & Implementation: Is the training accessible (e.g., physical space, language, pedagogical approach)? How has the safety of learners been considered?
  • Evaluation & Monitoring: Are there opportunities for learners to provide feedback? Can the training be adapted on-the-ground?
  • Other Considerations: Is there strong evidence to support this type of training? Is it cost effective? Is there wide support for this approach from learners?
  • Strengths: What factors would contribute to the success of this training in your context?
  • Limitations: What factors would limit the success of this training in your context?
  • Overall Assessment: Is this training suitable for your PSI? Is it feasible to deliver (e.g., resources are available)?  Does it meet identified needs?

In the following table, you can see how an educator in a sexual violence response program at a PSI in Metro Vancouver used this worksheet.

QuoteAt our PSI, we wanted to update an existing resource on how to support a survivor of sexual assault in response to changes to our SV policy. It also was an opportunity to jointly produce the resource with our investigations office and to ensure alignment of key messages. I used this worksheet to review a short four-page guide for faculty and staff. Going through this activity with the worksheet allowed me to see where else we should be making improvements. Coming away from this, I felt like I had a sense of what to do to adapt the resource.
Example: Evaluation of an Existing Guide
Principles Evidence informed, gender inclusive, intersectionality, trauma informed, trauma centred
Audience Faculty and staff
Content Responding to disclosures: Definition of SV, support services offered, contact info, trauma-informed messaging, 3-step process, consent-based practices, intersectionality named with some guidance given
Format Resource (combined with in-person training or as standalone)
Delivery Text-reliant, plain language (mostly)
Evaluation No feedback/evaluation mechanism. In-person training could be adapted but resource in current state cannot easily be adapted (graphic PDF).
Other The approach used was highly successful with similar programming at our PSI.
Strengths Easy mechanism to provide basic info to many/broad scope audience. Clearly provides key info. Uses format and mechanism that is familiar and a past success.
Limitations Feels sexual assault focused (not capturing whole scope). Doesn’t include reporting information. Not culturally located. No territory acknowledgement. Only one format.
Overall Needs improvement. Format appropriate for context, so content enhancement around cultural locatedness and decolonial approaches as well as development of formats that meet accessibility standards are needed.
Evaluation Worksheet


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