
Chapitre 0 – Bienvenue !


The “Entraînement” or Training section will give you a chance to use the vocabulary you just learned. When meeting people for the first time, you may need to spell your name and give your phone number.


Let’s count in French

Comptons en français

On the previous page, we learned the numbers from 0 – 100. Select the following link to read and listen to the audio recording the rest of the numbers: les nombres de 70 à 100. The link will open in a new window.

Select the numbers and put them in the correct order, i.e., 10, 20, 30, 40, et. up to 100.

Jeu de mémoire

Jeu de mémoire

Flip the cards two at a time. Match the French number with the correct image representing the same number of strawberries.

Les numéros de téléphone

Les numéros de téléphone

Read the following phone numbers (pay attention to combine numbers when there is no space between them) 

Bonnes réponses

Bonnes réponses: What do you say in the following situations?

This activity requires access to your microphone. By default, it may be blocked. In this case, you can grant access on the top, right-hand corner of your browser. Select the video icon then choose “Continue allowing https://opentextbc.ca/ to access your microphone.”

This technology is still in development. It helps to use an external microphone. This type of activity only works in Google Chrome browser.

Let’s use the alphabet


Arrange the letters of the alphabet from A to Z. First, click on the audio button on the top right-hand side of each card to play the letter, then drag and drop to arrange the letters in the correct order. To listen to the audio cues, the use of a mouse is required.

Hint: Blocks of the same colour will be found in the same part of the alphabet.

Les lettres A à M

Les lettres N à Z

Entraînement oral: Les lettres de l’alphabet

Quelle lettre?

This activity requires access to your microphone. By default, it may be blocked. In this case, you can grant access on the top, right-hand corner of your browser. Select the video icon then choose “Continue allowing https://opentextbc.ca to access your microphone.”

Beware – this technology is still in development. It helps to use an external microphone. This type of activity only works in Google Chrome browser.

Be sure to verify the accuracy of your pronunciation with your teacher or a French speaker.

Chapitre 0 –  Bienvenue !


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Le Français Interactif Copyright © 2023 by Mirabelle Tinio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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