Chapitre 3 – Les vacances

The “Entraînement” or Training section will give you a chance to use the vocabulary you just learned. When travelling during your holidays, you will need to find transportation, complete a registration form at the hotel, and decide what activities you will do. In this section, you will use new verbs and plan activities that you are going to do using the near future tense.
À l’hôtel
Les pays
Les saisons
Ce que je fais pendant les saisons diverses Use the arrows on the right-hand side to re-order the sentences to reflect their order in the recording.
Les verbes
Part 1
Part 2
Some of the verbs include prepositions.
The exercises below are taken from Le français interactif. Let’s see how well you learned the vocabulary.
Ma famille n’aime pas ça
Les vacances
Les vacances
*This activity requires the use of a mouse.
Exercice avec l’heure et les activités
Parlons français.
Say at what time Marc does certain activities.
La réponse:
La réponse:
La réponse:
La réponse:
La météo
Les prévisions météo
You are a meteorologist. Describe the weather using the given elements and conjugate your verbs in the near future tense.
Le futur proche
Mes loisirs
Talk about your plans for each season and for the future. Refer to the explanations on Demonstrative Determiners if necessary.