
Chapitre 4 – Les gens

Compréhension orale

The Compréhension Orale section of each chapter is a way for you to test your listening comprehension skills and improve them. It is also a way to experience French vocabulary through real-world examples. In this section, you will learn new songs, meet Francophones and Francophiles and hopefully have fun doing so.

Play the video to meet a Francophone and Francophile. The video will pause every time there is a listening comprehension question. These questions are meant to challenge you and check your comprehension. You may slow down the recording by using the gauge on the bottom right-hand side of the player. To enlarge the video, select the diagonal arrows on the bottom right of the player. Bonne rencontre!

Faisons la connaissance de Théo et d’Élias

Voici Théo et Elias. Ils parlent de leurs passions.

Une vidéo !

Est-ce que vous connaissez le Speed-Dating? Vous allez le découvrir dans la vidéo qui suit.

À vous maintenant!

Chapitre 4 –  Les gens


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Le Français Interactif Copyright © 2023 by Mirabelle Tinio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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