

Welcome to a companion site for Le français interactif. This Pressbook provides H5P learning activities to accompany learning materials in the Le français interactif open educational resource (OER). This companion site was created independently of the original French textbook and is not strictly based on it. Original content from instructors and students are incorporated throughout the Pressbook. It is geared towards beginner to intermediate French language learners, from level A1 to B1, depending on the learning activity.

The Department of French and Italian at the University of Texas at Austin developed Le français interactif in 2004. Through BCcampus’s Open Education H5P Development Grant, and with the assistance of other educators and students, I designed and incorporated H5P objects to enhance the interactivity of these resources. This companion site is meant to engage learners in active learning and reflection along their learning journey through a variety of learning activities.

Each chapter is organized as follows:

  • The chapter begins with a Pre-chapter Questionnaire or Questionnaire which allows learners to pre-assess their current ability to use the content in the upcoming chapter.
  • This questionnaire is followed by a page of Vocabulary or Vocabulaire and Exercises or Entraînement.
  • These are followed by a Listening Comprehension section or Compréhension orale where learners use vocabulary and grammar through more playful activities, such as interviews with Francophones and Francophiles, music, and movie clips.
  • Finally, each chapter concludes with a Self-evaluation or Auto-évaluation where learners assess their mastery of new vocabulary, followed by a Personal Goals or Mes objectifs personnels page, where learners answer self-reflection and post-test questions, and download their answers. They can keep their answers for their own records or send them to their teacher.

This resource will be updated regularly. All constructive feedback is welcome.


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Le Français Interactif Copyright © 2023 by Mirabelle Tinio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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