
Unit 5: Statistics

Topic D: Circle Graphs (“Pie Graphs”)

Circle graphs show how the parts of something compare to each other. Circle graphs also give a good picture of each part compared to the whole thing. In a circle graph or pie graph, the complete circle is the whole thing. The parts of a circle graph may be identified with a percentage. The total of the parts must be 100%.

Graph 1

The circle represents each dollar the government spends. The information for the graph was sourced from the Department of Finance, April 2010, at Where Your Tax Dollar Goes – 2007-2008 (Department of Finance Canada).

The parts are shown as cents of the dollar.

A labelled circle graph. Image description linked in caption.
[Image Description]
  1. What is the biggest expense of the federal government?
  2. How much of each federal dollar is spent in actually operating the government business?
  3. What part of the federal dollar is spent on defence?
  4. How much of each dollar is spent on Provincial Payments? Write this amount as a percent.
  5. What is the smallest expenditure of the federal government? Write this amount as a percent.

Answers to Graph 1

  1. Payments to Persons
  2. 20¢
  3. 20¢; 20%
  4. Budgetary Surplus; 4%

Graph 2

2004 Nanaimo Regional Landfill Solid Waste Composition

A labelled circle graph. Image description linked in caption.
[Image Description]
  1. What makes up the largest part of the waste in the landfill site?
  2. What four categories contribute equal weight to the landfill site?
  3. In a municipality of 139,000 people, the amount of waste going to a landfill site in one day is 150 tonnes.
    1. What is the mass of plastics?
    2. What is the mass of yard waste?
    3. What is the mass of construction/demo waste?
    4. If all the food waste was composted, how many tonnes of waste would not end up in the landfill each day?
  4. The plastics category can be separated into these categories:
    • 6% Non-recyclable mixed plastics
    • 4% film plastic
    • 3% recyclable rigid food containers

    If all the 3% recyclable rigid food containers were actually recycled, how many tonnes of waste would not end up in the landfill?

Answers to Graph 2

  1. Food waste
    • Diapers, Personal Hygiene
    • Glass
    • Bulky Goods
    • HHW (Household Hazardous Waste
    1. 19.5 tonnes
    2. 10.5 tonnes
    3. 24 tonnes
    4. 34.5 tonnes
  2. 4.5 tonnes

Image Descriptions

Graph 1 (Circle Graph)

A circle graph showing the Canadian tax dollar was spent in the 2007-2008 fiscal year.

  • The whole circle represents one dollar of the Canadian budgetary expenditure.
  • Each part reflects one of the specific expenses, reflected in cents to the dollar, ¢. The included parts are (clockwise from top): Public Debt, Provincial Payments, Grants and Contributions, Payments to Persons, National Defense, Operating Costs, and Budgetary Surplus.

The circle graph data is represented in the following table:

How Your Federal Tax Dollar is Spent
Expense Expenditure, reflected in cents to the dollar, ¢
Public Debt 14
Provincial Payments 20
Grants and Contributions 11
Payments to Persons 24
National Defense 7
Operating Costs 20
Budgetary Surplus 4
Source: Where Your Tax Dollar Goes – 2007-2008 (Department of Finance Canada)

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Graph 2 (Circle Graph)

A circle graph showing the solid waste composition of the Nanaimo Regional Landfill in 2004.

  • The whole circle represents the total composition of solid waste in the Nanaimo Regional Landfill in 2004.
  • Each part reflects one element of the total composition. The included elements are (clockwise from top): Food Waste, Yard Waste, Compostable Paper, Construction/Demo Waste, Plastic, Mixed Paper, Metal, Textiles & Carpet & Tires, Diapers & Personal Hygiene, Glass, Bulky Goods, HHW, and Other.

The circle graph data is represented in the following table:

2004 Nanaimo Regional Landfill Solid Waste Composition
Element of Waste Percentage of Total
Food Waste 23%
Yard Waste 7%
Compostable Paper 4%
Construction/Demo Waste 16%
Plastic 13%
Mixed Paper 8%
Metal 6%
Textiles, Carpet, Tires 10%
Diapers, Personal Hygiene 2%
Glass 2%
Bulky Goods 2%
HHW 2%
Other 5%
Source: 2004 Nanaimo Regional Landfill Solid Waste Composition

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Adult Literacy Fundamental Mathematics: Book 6 - 2nd Edition Copyright © 2022 by Liz Girard and Wendy Tagami is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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