
Generating Customer Demand and Nurturing Leads & Prospects

Digital Marketing Textbook Structure

Congratulations on completing the first section of the textbook and learning about several foundational concepts, strategies, and tools related to digital marketing. As mentioned before, this textbook is divided into three core sections:

  1. Fundamentals in Digital Marketing
  2. Generating Customer Demand and Nurturing Leads & Prospects
  3. Analyzing Your Digital Marketing Performance

In this next section, we will build on those foundations and focus on specific strategies and channels to generate customer demand and nurture prospective and existing customers. To achieve this, we will first introduce a lead generation framework and then dive into specific strategies, considerations, and best practices for:

  • content marketing,
  • search engine optimization,
  • website and landing page optimization,
  • paid advertising and search engine marketing,
  • social media marketing,
  • mobile marketing, and
  • email marketing.

Media Attributions

  • Digital marketing textbook structure by Rochelle Grayson is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 licence.


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Foundations in Digital Marketing Copyright © 2023 by Rochelle Grayson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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