
Module 1 | What is Sexual Violence?

(Student version and Faculty, Staff & Administrator version)

screenshot of module 1

Module 1 provides an introduction to sexual violence. In the section called “What is Sexual Violence?”, you will need to include information about your institution’s sexual violence policy and related procedures and protocols.

The Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act (2016) requires all B.C. public post-secondary institutions to have a sexual violence policy. Institutions are required to review their policies at least every three years and to include consultation with students as part of the review. You will want to make sure that you are including the most up-to-date version of your institution’s policy.

This section of the course defines sexual violence and provides examples of different types of sexual violence with examples/definitions. Every institution has different definitions of sexual violence and you will want to revise this section to reflect the definition used in your institution’s policy. Some policies include definitions of different types of sexual violence (e.g., sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking) and include a section on Criminal Code provisions in connection to these definitions. If your policy does not include this information, you can use the included examples.

There is also a section where you can provide a link and summary of your institution’s policy and where learners can find more information about it. This is also a good place to include links to individuals and/or departments on campus that are involved with sexual violence prevention and response (e.g., student services, counselling department, sexual violence prevention office, human rights and equity office, human resources, Dean of Academic Affairs) as well as links to information about accessing support and resources, e.g., making a report, procedures and protocols for investigations.

If your institution does not have a plain language summary of the policy, you may want to collaborate with on-campus organizations to develop one. Within a campus community, English literacy levels will vary enormously. As well, an accessible policy helps to support survivors of sexual violence in having control and autonomy over their options related to making a disclosure, making a report, and accessing supports, accommodations, and other resources.


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Safer Campuses for Everyone: Implementation Guide Copyright © 2021 by Sexual Violence Training Development Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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