
Chapter 2 – The Consultation

2.1 Client Records

Why keep client records? A client record helps the stylist communicate with the client by tracking changes in lifestyle and hair health, as well as keeping record of previous hair services, including colour formulations, haircut preferences, and retail products.

Most salons will keep an electronic record using their POS (point of sale) system, although some may choose to keep a paper file on each client. An electronic record system can save valuable salon space and is usually tied into each client’s booking profile, making it easy to access at the click of a button. Many of these systems can also be accessed outside of the salon through a corresponding smart phone app. POS systems can be programmed to automatically send a text or email with an appointment reminder or even a “Happy Birthday” message to your client!

Whichever method you choose, a client record should contain the following:

  • Contact info (phone and email)
  • Retail purchase history
  • Colour formulation history
  • Notes on lifestyle that are relevant to their haircut/colour preferences

Optional, but equally important details to include:

  • Referrals
  • Birthday
  • Personal notes such as how they take their coffee, a recent vacation they took, pets, etc. These notes help to jog your memory and make your client feel special when you remember!

A well kept client record will keep you organized and prepared, and will add a professional touch to the services that you offer!

Client Record Example

Jane Smith

Email: janesmith@mail.com       Phone: 123-456-7890         Birthday: October 14th

January 3rd, 2019

Formula: 30ml 20 volume + 30ml 5N  (All over colour)

Retail: Colour safe shampoo/hairspray


  • Wash and wear hair routine
  • Takes her tea with milk
  • Leaving for Jamaica next week for her daughter’s wedding!


  • Hannah Phillips
  • John Summer


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Hair Colour for Hairstylists: Level 2 Copyright © 2021 by Arden Magtiza is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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