
Appendix 1: Self-Test Answer Keys

Competency B1

Self-Test 1

  1. d. Water that meets the prescribed standard(s), and is safe to drink and fit for domestic purposes without further treatment
  2. d. pipe that conveys water from a public water main or private water source to the inside of the building
  3. a. True
  4. a. True
  5. a. Used water
  6. b. Increases
  7. d. Equivalent lengths of straight pipe
  8. b. Pump head and pump capacity
  9. c. Dead end configuration
  10. c. 550 kPa
  11. a. Direct-acting
  12. b. Two-stage pressure reduction
  13. d. On a municipal water main to permit joining of the water service pipe
  14. a. Allow for water meter servicing
  15. b. No interconnection is permitted

Self-Test 2

  1. d. Pressure drop caused by friction in pipe
  2. c. 4.05 psi
  3. b. American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers

Self-Test 3

  1. d. Push-on, mechanical joints and flanged joints
  2. b. False
  3. d. Thrust blocks, thrust anchors, and joint restraint
  4. a. For push-on joints only
  5. 9.06 ft² (18,120 lbs ÷ 2000 lbs/ft²)
  6. 3.44 ft² (13,770 lbs ÷ 4000 lbs/ft²)
  7. 42.75 ft² (128,260 lbs ÷ 3000 lbs/ft²)
  8. 46.24 ft² (138,720 lbs ÷ 3000 lbs/ft²)
  9. 20.7 ft² (20,700 lbs ÷ 1000 lbs/ft²)

Competency B2

Self-Test 1

  1. d. Bottom
  2. c. Main stop and drain
  3. c. Rotating disk meter
  4. c. Decreases in size when in use
  5. d. To allow for settlement or movement of the water main
  6. d. When the water service pipe is rated for cold-water only
  7. b. Riser
  8. a. True
  9. a. The heating source is located at the hot water storage tank
  10. d. To the cold water inlet to the storage tank, or to the bottom inlet of the tank
  11. b. Balancing valves
  12. a. Bronze body
  13. b. 60 °C
  14. c. CSA F383

Self-Test 2

  1. b.¾ inch [BCPC]
  2. c. 6 fixture units [BCPC Table]
  3. d. 10 fixture units [BCPC Table]
  4. a. 58 fixture units [BCPC Table]
  5. b. 2.4 m/sec
  6. c. Sized for peak demand flow and not less than 3/4” [BCPC]
  7. a. Simplified method [BCPC]
  8. Size the lettered building water supply system pipes on the drawing below.
    Single family dwelling

    Individual fixture unit loads
    Abbreviation on sketch Fixture or device description Minimum size of supply pipe, inches Private EU (Total column) Public FU (Total column)
    BT Bathtub with or without shower head ½ inch ID 1.4
    CW Clothes Washer 3.5 kg ½ inch ID 1.4
    FTWC Water closet, 6 LPF or less with flush tank [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex] inch ID 2.2
    FTWC Water closet, 6 LPF or less with flush tank [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex] inch ID 2.2
    HB Hose Bibb ½ inch ½ inch ID 2.5
    HB Hose Bibb ½ inch ½ inch ID 2.5
    KS Sink, kitchen domestic, 8.3 LPM [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex] inch ID 1.4
    LAV Lavatory, 8.3 LPM or less [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex] inch ID 0.7
    LAV Lavatory 8.3 LPM or less [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex] inch ID 0.7
    Total fixture unit load 15
    Competency B2 Learning Task 2 Quiz: Simplified method Copper tubing version
    Pipe or tube identifier Cold or hot piping WSFU load Notes Maximum water velocity based on material Pipe or tube size
    A Cold N/A Supply pipe N/A ½″
    B Cold N/A Supply pipe N/A [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex]″
    C Hot 2.8 Size on Table 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) ½″
    D Cold 9.7 Size on Table 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ¾″
    E Cold 3.9 Size on Table 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ½″
    F Cold 2.9 Size on Table 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ½″
    G Hot 5.6 Size on Table 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) ¾″
    H Cold 5.6 Size on Table
    National Plumbing Code
    2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ½″
    I Cold 15 Size on Table 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ¾″
    J Cold 15 Water service pipe: PL to PRV, Size on Table 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ¾″
  9. Size the lettered building water supply system pipes on the drawing below.
    Small commercial method
    Water service pipe minimum static pressure available PSI kPa
    Minimum available pressure at the property line (PL) during peak demand[1] 410
    Pressure loss from PL to entry point of the building[2] subtract 25
    Pressure gain from PL to entry point of the building[3] add 0
    Adjusted pressure at water service entry to the building equals 385
    Select the pressure range for sizing from Table A- 200-310
    over 413
    Cold and hot distribution systems minimum static pressure available PSI kPa
    Adjusted pressure at water service entry to the building from above 385
    Pressure loss due to water meter installed inside the building (use manufacturer’s specifications) subtract 20
    Pressure loss due to pressure-reducing valve (use manufacturer’s specifications) subtract 0
    Pressure loss due to backflow preventer (use manufacturer’s specifications) subtract 0
    Pressure loss due to other components (water treatment systems, etc.) subtract 0
    Pressure loss due to elevation change[4] subtract 35
    Pressure gain due to elevation change[5] add 0
    Cold and hot distribution systems minimum static pressure available equals 280
    Select the pressure range for sizing from Table 1- 200-310
    over 413
    Individual fixture unit loads and TOTAL FU load
    Abbreviation on sketch Fixture or device description Minimum size of supply pipe, inches Private FU(Total column) Public FU (Total Column) Number of same fixtures Total FU load for same fixtures
    BT Bathtub with or without shower head ½ inch ID 1.4 4 5.6
    CW Clothes Washer 3.5 kg (Public) ½ inch ID 3 2 6.0
    FTWC Water closet, 6 LPF or less with flush tank [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex] inch ID 2.2 4 8.8
    HB Hose Bibb ½ inch ½ inch ID 2.5 2 5.0
    KS Sink, kitchen domestic, 8.3 LPM [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex] inch ID 1.4 4 5.6
    LAV Lavatory, 8.3 LPM or less [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex] inch ID 0.7 4 2.8
    SS Sink, service ½ inch ID 3.0 1 3.0
    Total number of fixtures in the building 21
    Total fixture unit load 36.8
    Competency B2 Learning Task 2 Quiz: Small commercial building method Copper tubing version
    Pipe or tube identifier Cold or hot piping WSFU load Notes Maximum water velocity based on material Pressure Range Pipe or tube size
    A Cold N/A Supply pipe N/A N/A [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex]″
    B Cold N/A Supply pipe N/A N/A [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex]″
    C Hot 3.5 Size on Table A- 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) 200-310 kPa [latex]\frac{5}{8}[/latex]″
    D Cold 5.7 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) 200-310 kPa [latex]\frac{5}{8}[/latex]″
    E Hot 7.0 Size on Table A- 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) 200-310 kPa 1″
    F Cold 11.4 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) 200-310 kPa ¾″
    G Hot 9.0 Size on Table A- 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) 200-310 kPa 1″
    H Cold 11.5 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) 200-310 kPa ¾″
    I Cold 13.9 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) 200-310 kPa 1″
    J Hot 23.0 Size on Table A- 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) 200-310 kPa 1¼″
    K Cold 23.0 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) 200-310 kPa 1″
    L Cold 36.8 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) 200-310 kPa 1¼″
    M Cold 36.8 Water service pipe: Size on left column of Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) over 413 kPa 1½″
  10. Size the lettered building water supply system pipes on the drawing below.
    Average pressure loss method
    Water service pipe minimum static pressure available PSI kPa
    Minimum available pressure at the property line (PL) during peak demand[6] 410
    Pressure loss from PL to entry point of the building[7] subtract 25
    Pressure gain from PL to entry point of the building[8] add 0
    Adjusted pressure at water service entry to the building equals 385
    Cold and hot distribution systems minimum static pressure available PSI kPa
    Adjusted pressure at water service entry to the building from above 385
    Pressure loss due to water meter installed inside the building (use manufacturer’s specifications) subtract 20
    Pressure loss due to pressure-reducing valve (use manufacturer’s specifications) subtract 0
    Pressure loss due to backflow preventer (use manufacturer’s specifications) subtract 0
    Pressure loss due to other components (water treatment systems, etc.) subtract 0
    Pressure loss due to elevation change[9] subtract 35
    Pressure gain due to elevation change[10] add 0
    Cold and hot distribution systems minimum static pressure available equals 280
    Minimum pressure necessary at the fixture for operation (governing fixture) subtract 105
    Final adjusted pressure loss to find pressure available for pressure loss 175

    Step 1(e)

    [latex]\begin{array}{ccccc}175 \text{ kPa}&\div&40.5\text{m}&=&4.32\text{ kPa per metre}\\ \begin{array}{c}\text{Total pressure}\\ \text{available for}\\ \text{friction loss}\end{array}&&\begin{array}{c}\text{developed length} \times 1.5 \text{ for fittings}\\ \text{and/or additional losses if} \\ \text{insert fittings are used} \end{array}&& \begin{array}{c}\text{Average pressure loss}\\ \text{must be minimum} \\ \text{2.6 kPa per metre}\end{array}\end{array}[/latex]

    Competency B2 Learning Task 2 Quiz: Simplified method Copper tubing version
    Pipe or tube identifier Cold or hot piping WSFU load Notes Maximum water velocity based on material Pipe or tube size
    A Cold N/A Supply pipe N/A [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex]″
    B Cold N/A Supply pipe N/A [latex]\frac{3}{8}[/latex]″
    C Hot 3.5 Size on Table A- 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) ½″
    D Cold 5.7 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ½″
    E Hot 7.0 Size on Table A- 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) ¾″
    F Cold 11.4 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ¾″
    G Hot 9 Size on Table A- 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) ¾″
    H Cold 11.5 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ¾″
    I Cold 13.9 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) ¾″
    J Hot 23 Size on Table A- 1.5 m/s (5 ft/s) 1¼″
    K Cold 23 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) 1″
    L Cold 36.8 Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) 1¼″
    M Cold 36.8 Water service pipe: Size on Table A- 2.4 m/s (8 ft/s) 1¼″

Self-Test 3

  1. a. Polyethylene series 160 [Summary Table A-2.2.5, 2.2.6, and 2.2.7]
  2. d. Quickly closing a valve
  3. a. No [BCPC or NPC]
  4. a. True [BCPC or NPC]
  5. d. Have the hot water control on the left and the cold on the right[BCPC]
  6. a. Water closets [BCPC]

Competency B3

Self-Test 1

  1. c. Cost of installation
  2. a. Drip
  3. b. BC 1 Call
  4. c. Gutter downspouts
  5. a. Evapotranspiration
  6. b. Warm dry
  7. a. Jar test
  8. d. Clay loam
  9. c. Loam
  10. c. Runoff and erosion
  11. c. 10
  12. d. Proximity to the house water supply

Self-Test 2

  1. d. Bubbler
  2. b. Fixed spray
  3. a. Pop-up
  4. c. Impact
  5. b. Rotating
  6. d. Ability to serve small areas
  7. a. Use head-to-head coverage
  8. d. An anti-siphon zone valve
  9. a. RPBAs and DCVAs
  10. b. DCAP
  11. b. In a driveway
  12. a. Polyethylene (PE)
  13. c. Available GPM and sprinkler flow rates
  14. d. D
  15. a. 5 ft/sec (1.5 m/sec)
  16. b. 2.15 psi
  17. c. Because of its wall thickness difference
  18. b. 25%
  19. b. ¾” and 1”
  20. c. 13 GPM

Self-Test 3

  1. b. acceptable for direct earth burial
  2. d. #18 AWG
  3. b. “Funny Pipe”
  4. d. Place the removed sod on plastic on one side of the trench, spoils on the other side also on plastic
  5. a. By “jetting” it
  6. c. Waterproof twist-on
  7. c. Install all but the furthest head, open the valve and flush through the open end
  8. c. At least two more than are currently installed
  9. c. 30 minutes
  10. a. Set longer run times, decrease the number of cycles per day and increase watering days
  11. c. A pump start relay
  12. d. Hardness
  13. c. Downstream of the backflow preventer
  14. a. Half open
  15. c. Its volume

Competency B4

Self-Test 1

  1. b. Toilet flushing and underground irrigation
  2. c. Auxiliary
  3. a. They may never be interconnected
  4. a. It hasn’t been treated to acceptable certified standards
  5. c. Division B Part 2

Self-Test 2

  1. d. An asphalt roof
  2. a. 1,600
  3. d. 2.0%
  4. d. PVC Sch 40
  5. d. Polystyrene foam insulation and adequate burial depth
  6. c. A storm building drain
  7. a. Because it is not UV-rated

Self-Test 3

  1. c. Forming a concrete tank as a component of the house foundation
  2. c. Concrete
  3. d. Tank manufacturers and suppliers
  4. b. Aesthetics
  5. a. An integrated tank
  6. a. A provincial “One Call” service
  7. c. The placement of the pump on-off switch
  8. b. To ensure the pump does not run dry
  9. a. Install it and all related components below the frost level
  10. b. Install heat trace wire around the tank, pipes, valves, and pump

Self-Test 4

  1. a. A toilet
  2. c. Disinfection
  3. a. Settling
  4. d. First-flush diversion
  5. c. Disinfection
  6. c. Potable purposes
  7. a. They contribute to leaves and bird droppings contaminating the collected rainwater
  8. b. A form of pre-storage water treatment

Self-Test 5

  1. b. Make-up
  2. a. Creating a cross connection
  3. a. Top-up
  4. c. Zone isolation
  5. a. Zone isolation
  6. b. Aesthetics
  7. b. A float switch
  8. c. A solenoid valve
  9. a. Between the solenoid valve and the cistern
  10. d. When a sensor or float switch is activated at the highest water level desired

Self-Test 6

  1. a. A jet pump
  2. b. That it is clearly identified
  3. b. 120/240 VAC
  4. d. A relay
  5. a. A timer
  6. a. Suction head
  7. d. A variable speed drive pump
  8. c. 1 to 2 min
  9. d. Purple
  10. b. At least 300 mm (12 inches)

Self-Test 7

  1. d. Stormwater management
  2. b. A backwater valve
  3. a. Gravity drainage to grade
  4. b. Pumped discharge to grade
  5. d. Pumped discharge to a storm sewer
  6. b. A drywell
  7. c. Clay
  8. a. Above-grade
  9. a. An overflow

Self-Test 8

  1. a. Used water from laundries, bathtubs, showers, and bathroom basins
  2. b. Flushing toilets and urinals, and subsurface irrigation
  3. b. Pooling of greywater is acceptable as long as it stays on private property
  4. b. By bucketing onto gardens or lawns
  5. c. It should only be used for irrigation
  6. c. 4
  7. d. 152
  8. c. Kohler’s Handbook for Water Pipe Sizing
  9. c. The greywater comes from only the clothes washer
  10. b. The greywater system uses a greywater tank

Self-Test 9

  1. c. By capillary action
  2. b. A soil ribbon test
  3. d. A percolation test
  4. c. Silty clay loam
  5. a. A bad odour
  6. b. A diverter valve
  7. c. Laundry-to-landscape
  8. d. Gravity, branched drain
  9. b. Manufactured
  10. b. Sand filter

  1. Where there is a wide fluctuation of pressure in the main throughout the day, the minimum static pressure available.
  2. 1 foot of head = 0.443 psi loss or gain and 1 meter of head = 10 kPa loss or gain
  3. 1 foot of head = 0.443 psi loss or gain and 1 meter of head = 10 kPa loss or gain
  4. 1 foot of head = 0.443 psi loss or gain and 1 meter of head = 10 kPa loss or gain
  5. 1 foot of head = 0.443 psi loss or gain and 1 meter of head = 10 kPa loss or gain
  6. Where there is a wide fluctuation of pressure in the main throughout the day, the minimum static pressure available.
  7. 1 foot of head = 0.443 psi loss or gain and 1 meter of head = 10 kPa loss or gain
  8. 1 foot of head = 0.443 psi loss or gain and 1 meter of head = 10 kPa loss or gain
  9. 1 foot of head = 0.443 psi loss or gain and 1 meter of head = 10 kPa loss or gain
  10. 1 foot of head = 0.443 psi loss or gain and 1 meter of head = 10 kPa loss or gain


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