
Research and Reports

14 United States

Last update: Jun 20/24


State and federal government policies

Access codes/assessment platforms

Schaffhauser, D. (2018, January 26). Bundles and access codes destroy efforts to cut textbook pricing. Campus Technology. PDF of original plan: Open 101-An action plan for affordable textbooks, The Student PIRGS.


Azadbakht, E., & Schultz, T. (2022). Conversations With Open Textbook Authors: The Factors That Help and Hinder Accessibility. Journal of Open Educational Resources in Higher Education, 1(1), 212–228. https://doi.org/10.13001/joerhe.v1i1.7157


Belikov, O. M., & Bodily, R. (2016). Incentives and barriers to OER adoption: A qualitative analysis of faculty perceptions. Open Praxis, 8(3), 235–246. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.8.3.308

Bell, S. (2018). Course materials adoption: A faculty survey and outlook for the OER landscape, ACRL/Choice, publisher.

Braddlee, Dr.,& VanScoy, A. (n.d.) Bridging the chasm: Faculty support roles for academic librarians in the adoption of open educational resources. College & Research Libraries preprint. https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.80.4.426

The California OER Council (2016). OER Adoption Study: Using Open Educational Resources in the College Classroom.

Chae, B., & Jenkins, M. (2015). A qualitative investigation of faculty open educational resource usage in the Washington Community and Technical College System: Models for support and implementation. Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4eZdZMtpULyZC1NRHMzOEhRRzg/view?pli=1

Chiorescu, M. (2017). Exploring open educational resources for college algebra. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(4). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/3003/4223

Dempsey, M., & Nann, A. (2020). Librarian advocacy for open educational resource adoptions and programs. The International Journal of Open Educational Resources, 3 (1). https://www.ijoer.org/librarian-advocacy-for-open-educational-resource-adoptions-and-programs/

Hilton, J., Gaudet, D., Clark, P., Robinson, J., & Wiley, D. (2013). The adoption of open educational resources by one community college math department. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 14(4), 37–50. http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/1523/2652

McNally, M., & Christiansen, E. (2019). Open enough? Eight factors to consider when transitioning from closed to open resources and courses: A conceptual framework. First Monday, 24(6). https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v24i6.9180

Ozdemir, O., & Hendricks, C. (2017). Instructor and student experiences with open textbooks, from the California open online library for education (Cool4Ed). Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 29(1), 98-113. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-017-9138-0

Pawlyshyn, Braddlee, Casper and Miller (2013). Adopting OER: A Case Study of Cross-Institutional Collaboration and Innovation. Educause Review. https://er.educause.edu/articles/2013/11/adopting-oer-a-case-study-of-crossinstitutional-collaboration-and-innovation

Petrides, L., Jimes, C., Detzner, C. M., Walling, J., & Weiss, S. (2011). Open textbook adoption and use: implications for teachers and learners. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 26(1), 39-49. https://doi.org/10.1080/02680513.2011.538563

Wiley, D., Williams, L., DeMarte, D., & Hilton, J. (2016). The Tidewater Z-Degree and the INTRO Model for Sustaining OER Adoption. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24, 41. https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.24.1828


Batte, E.B. (2020). Emotional labor in open access advocacy: A librarian’s perspective. The International Journal of Open Educational Resources, 3 (1). https://www.ijoer.org/emotional-labor-in-open-access-advocacy-a-librarians-perspective/

Dempsey, M., & Nann, A. (2020). Librarian advocacy for open educational resource adoptions and programs. The International Journal of Open Educational Resources, 3 (1). https://www.ijoer.org/librarian-advocacy-for-open-educational-resource-adoptions-and-programs/

Young, J.R. (2018, October 31). Campus support for OER is growing, survey finds. EdSurge. https://www.edsurge.com/news/2018-10-30-campus-support-for-oer-is-growing-survey-finds (Original research: The 2018 Campus Computing Survey.)


Thompson, L., Lantz, J., and Sullivan, B. (2019). Pre-service teacher awareness of open educational resources. International Journal of Open Educational Resources, Vol. 1 (2). https://www.ijoer.org/pre-service-teacher-awareness-of-open-educational-resources/


Sanders, C. (2019). Let Us Get You Into College: Community College Librarians, Barnes & Noble, and OER. OLA Quarterly, 24(3), 29-39. https://doi.org/10.7710/1093-7374.1952

Schmitt, M., & Shi, T. (2018). Secondary Markets and Firm Profits: Evidence from College Textbooks, UCLA Analysis Group. https://www.anderson.ucla.edu/Documents/areas/fac/policy/SchmittShi_SecondaryMarkets_09102018.pdf


Also see Creative Commons licences.

Boston, A.J. (2019). Copyright, fair use, and Creative Commons. Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.17161/jcel.v3i3.8193

Freeman, A., & Taylor, T. (2019). Copyright and Creative Commons for course materials. Scholar Commons, University of South Carolina University Libraries. https://scholarcommons.sc.edu/lib_facpub/46/

Nguyen, N. A. (2010). Not all textbooks are created equal: Copyright, fair use, and open access in the Open College Textbook Act of 2010. Journal of Art, Technology & Intellectual Property Law, 21(1), 105–130. https://via.library.depaul.edu/jatip/vol21/iss1/5

Weeramuni, L., (2019). How to fight Fair Use fear, uncertainty, and doubt: The experience of one open educational resource. Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, 3(1), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.17161/jcel.v3i1.97


Hill, P. (2019). State of higher ed LMS market for US and Canada: 2019 mid-year edition. Phil on Ed Tech. https://philonedtech.com/state-of-higher-ed-lms-market-for-us-and-canada-2019-mid-year-edition/

Johansen, J. & Wiley, D. (2011). A sustainable model for open courseware development. Educational Technology Research & Development, 59(3), p. 369-382. http://hdl.lib.byu.edu/1877/2353

Creative Commons licences

Also see Copyright.

Bolick, J. (2018). Leveraging Elsevier’s Creative Commons license requirement to undermine embargo. Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, 2(2). https://doi.org/10.17161/jcel.v2i2.7415

Creative Commons (2022). Toward Better Sharing of Cultural Heritage–An Agenda for Copyright Reform. https://creativecommons.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Creative-Commons-Policy-Paper-on-GLAMs-Final.pdf

Kelly, E.J. (2019). Digital cultural heritage and Wikimedia commons licenses: Copyright or copywrong? Journal of Copyright in Education and Librarianship, 3(3). https://doi.org/10.17161/jcel.v3i3.9771


Sobotka, C., Wheeler, H., & White, H. (2019). Leveraging Cataloging and Collection Development Expertise to Improve OER Discovery. OLA Quarterly, 25(1), 17-24. https://doi.org/10.7710/1093-7374.1971

Efficacy and student outcomes

Al Abri, M., & Dabbagh, N. (2019). Testing the Intervention of OER renewable assignments in a college course. Open Praxis, 11(2), 195-209. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.11.2.916

Allen, G., Guzman-Alvarez, A., Smith, A., Gamage, A., Molinaro, M., & Larsen, D. S. (2015). Evaluating the effectiveness of the open-access ChemWiki resource as a replacement for traditional general chemistry textbooks. Chemistry Education Research and Practice, 16(4), 939-948. doi: 10.1039/C5RP00084J

Also see: Allen, G., Guzman-Alvarez, A., Molinaro, M., Larsen, D. (2015). Assessing the impact and efficacy of the open-access ChemWiki Textbook Project. Educause Learning Initiative Brief. https://library.educause.edu/resources/2015/1/assessing-the-impact-and-efficacy-of-the-openaccess-chemwiki-textbook-project (Also see this newsletter.)

Clinton, V., & Khan, S. (2019). Efficacy of open textbook adoption on learning performance and course withdrawal rates: A meta-analysis. AERA Open, 5(3), 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858419872212

Clinton, V., Legerski, E., & Rhodes, B. (2019). Comparing student learning from and perceptions of open and commercial textbook excerpts: A randomized experiment. Frontiers in Education. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2019.00110

Clinton, V. (2018). Savings without sacrifices: A case study of open-source textbook adoption. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance, and e-Learning. https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio /324088320_Savings_without_sacrifice_A_case_report_on_open-source_textbook_adoption

Colvard, N.B., Watson, C.E., Park, H. (2018). The impact of open educational resources on various student success metrics. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 30(2), 262-276. http://www.isetl.org/ijtlhe/pdf/IJTLHE3386.pdf

Cooney, C. (2017). What impacts do OER have on students? Students share their experiences with a health psychology OER at New York City College of Technology. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(4). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/3111/4216

Croteau, E. (2017). Measures of student success with textbook transformations: The Affordable Learning Georgia Initiative. Open Praxis, 9(1), 93-108. https://openpraxis.org/index.php/OpenPraxis/article/view/505/251

Cummings-Clay, D. (2020). Impact of OER in Teacher Education. Open Praxis, 12(4), 541-554. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.12.4.1112

Feldstein, A., Martin, M., Hudson, A., Warren, K., Hilton, J., & Wiley, D. (2012). Open textbooks and increased student access and outcomes. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 2, 1-9. http://www.eurodl.org/index.php?p=archives&year=2012&halfyear=2&article=533

Finlayson, C. (2020). Opening World Regional Geography: A Case Study. Open Praxis, 12(2), 271-282. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.12.2.1087

Fischer, L., Belikov, O., Ikahihifo, T., Hilton III, J., Wiley, D., & Martin, M. (2020). Academic Librarians Examination of University Students’ and Faculty’s Perceptions of Open Educational Resources. Open Praxis, 12(3), 399-415. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.12.3.1081

Fischer, L., Hilton III, J., Robinson, T. J., & Wiley, D. A. (2015). A multi-institutional study of the impact of open textbook adoption on the learning outcomes of post-secondary students. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 27(3), 159-172. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12528-015-9101-x

Gil, P., Candelas, F., Jara, C., Garcia, G., Torres, F (2013). Web-based OERs in Computer Networks. International Journal of Engineering Education, 29(6), 1537-1550. PDF.

Grewe, K., & Davis, W. P. (2017). The impact of enrollment in an OER course on student learning outcomes. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(4). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/2986/4211

Griffiths, R., Mislevy, J., Wang, S., Ball, A., Shear, L., & Desrochers, D. (2020). OER at scale: The academic and economic outcomes of Achieving the Dream’s OER degree initiative. Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. https://www.achievingthedream.org/resource/17993/oer-at-scale-the-academic-and-economic-outcomes-of-achieving-the-dream-s-oer-degree-initiative

Grimaldi, P.J., Mallick, D.B., Waters, A.E., Baraniu, R.G. (2019). Do open educational resources improve student learning? Implications of the access hypothesis. PLOS ONE, 14(3): eo212508. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212508

Hilton, J. (2019). Open educational resources, student efficacy, and user perceptions: a synthesis of research published between 2015 and 2018. Tech Research Dev. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-019-09700-4

Hilton, J. (2016). Open educational resources and college textbook choices: A review of research on efficacy and perceptions. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(4), 573-590. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11423-016-9434-9

Hilton, J., Fischer, L., Wiley, D., & Williams, L. (2016). Maintaining momentum toward graduation: OER and the course throughput rate. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 17(6). http://dx.doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v17i6.2686

Hilton, J., Laman, C. (2012). One college’s use of an open psychology textbook. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 27(3), 201–217. PDF.

Hilton, J., Larsen, R., Wiley, D. & Fischer, L. (2019). Substituting open educational resources for commercial curriculum materials: effects on student mathematics achievement in elementary schools, >Research in Mathematics Education, 21:1, 60-76. https://doi.org/10.1080/14794802.2019.1573150

Kersey, S. (2019). The effectiveness of open educational resources in college calculus. A quantitative study. Open Praxis, 11(2), 185-193. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.11.2.935

Lawrence and Lester (2018). Evaluating the effectiveness of adopting open educational resources in an introductory American government course. Journal of Political Science Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/15512169.2017.1422739

LeMire, S. (2024). Beyond cost savings. The impact of open textbooks on writing studies course grades. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 19(2). https://doi.org/10.18438/eblip30490

Lovett, M., Meyer, O., & Thille, C. (2008). The open learning initiative: Measuring the effectiveness of the OLI statistics course in accelerating student learning. Journal of Interactive Media in Education2008 (1). PDF

Nusbaum, A.T., & Cuttler, C. (2020). Hidden impacts of OER: Effects of OER on instructor ratings and course selection. Front Educ., 5:72. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2020.00072

Pfannenstiel, A., Redcay, A., & Albert, D. (2020). Student Perceptions of Textbooks: Prior Behaviors and Beliefs Can Influence Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Adoption Impact. Open Praxis, 12(4), 555-567. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.12.4.1119

Robinson, T. J., Fischer, L., Wiley, D., & Hilton, J. (2014). The impact of open textbooks on secondary science learning outcomes. Educational Researcher, 43(7), 341-3351. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X14550275

Ryan, S. (2022). Improving student success through the use of open educational resources [white paper]. Yavapai College. https://www.yc.edu/v6/teaching-and-elearning-support/faculty/docs/improving-student-success-through-oer.pdf

Shaw, C.S., Irwin, K.C., Blanton, D. (2019). Impact of open educational resources on course DFWI rates in undergraduate online education. International Journal of Open Educational Resources, Vol.1 (2). https://www.ijoer.org/impact-of-open-educational-resources-on-course-dfwi-rates-in-undergraduate-online-education

Springer, M.T. (2019). Adapting and adopting open educational resources: An analysis of student cost savings, use, performance, and perception. International Journal of Open Educational Resources, Vol. 1 (2). https://www.ijoer.org/adapting-and-adopting-open-educational-resources/

Stovall, J.P., Laird, S.G., Welford, L., & Williams. A. (2019). Student and instructor generated open educational resources compare favorably to a traditional textbook. Journal of Forestry, 117(4), 370-378. https://doi.org/10.1093/jofore/fvz035

Tipton, J. (2020).  Faculty use of open educational resources: Attitudes, norms, and self-efficacy as behavioral predictors. Electronic Theses and Dissertations, 1825. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/etd/1825

Winitzky-Stephens, J. R., & Pickavance, J. (2017). Open educational resources and student course outcomes: A multilevel analysis. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(4). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/3118/4224

Equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI)

Croft, B., & Brown, M. (2020). Inclusive open education: Presumptions, principles, and practices. Distance Education, 41(2). https://doi.org/10.1080/01587919.2020.1757410

Dai, J.Y., & Carpenter, L.I. (2020). Bad (feminist) librarians: Theories and strategies for OER librarianship. The International Journal of Open Educational Resources, 3 (1). https://www.ijoer.org/bad-feminist-librarians-theories-and-strategies-for-oer-librarianship/

Hardin, J. (2013). Investigating the intersections of open educational resources and inclusive educational practices (Unpublished masters dissertation). OCAD, Toronto, Canada. http://openresearch.ocadu.ca/id/eprint/152/1/J_Hardin_MRP_Report_FINAL_Jan_7_2014_disc.pdf

Nusbaum, A.T., Cuttler, A., & Swindell, S. (2020). Open educational resources as a tool for educational equity: Evidence from an introductory psychology class. Front. Educ, 4:152. https://doi.org/10.3389/feduc.2019.00152


Becker, S.A., Brown, M., Dahlstrom, E., Davis, A., DePaul, K., Diaz, V., & Pomerantz, J. (2018). NMC Horizon Report: 2018 Higher Education Edition. Louisville, CO: Educause. https://library.educause.edu/~/media/files/library/2018/8/2018horizonreport.pdf

Brown, M., McCormack, M., Reeves, J., Brooks, D.C., & Grajek, S. (2020). 2020 Educause Horizon Report, Teaching and Learning Edition. Louisville, DO; Educause. https://library.educause.edu/resources/2020/3/2020-educause-horizon-report-teaching-and-learning-edition

Caswell, T., Hensen, S., Jensen, M., & Wiley, D. (2008). Open educational resources: Enabling universal education. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 9(1). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/469/1001

Durham, E., & Braxton, S. (2019). “Advancing an open educational resource initiative through collaborative leadership. The International Journal of Open Educational Resources, 2(1).

Hilton, J. & Wiley, D. (2010). Free: Why authors are giving books away on the internet. Tech Trends, 54(2). https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/facpub/825/

Kinskey, C. and Lewis Miller, C. (2019). Creating faculty development on OER. International Journal of Open Educational Resources, Vol. 1 (2). https://www.ijoer.org/creating-faculty-professional-development-on-oer

Mott, J. & Wiley, D. (2009). Open for learning: The CMS and the open learning network. In Education, 15(2). https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/facpub/113

Tonks, D., Weston, S., Wiley, D., & Barbour, M. (2013). “Opening” a new kind of school: The story of the Open High School of Utah. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 14(1). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/1345/2419

Wiley, D. (2010). Impediments to learning object reuse and openness as a potential solution. Revista Brasileira de Informática na Educação, 17(3). https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/facpub/1232

Wiley, D. (2006). Open source, openness, and higher education. Innovate Journal of Online Education, 3(1). https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/facpub/289

Wiley, D. & Hilton, J. (2009). Openness, dynamic specialization, and the disaggregated future of higher education International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 10(5). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/768/1414

Homework systems

Bodily, R. (N.d.). Report on lack of homework systems as a barrier to the adoption of open educational resources. Oregon: Open Oregon Educational Resources. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-J6TXqfqqmuM2Nmd3hRb2hNOGFkNVM3OXdXOTBCSnVLaFlJ/view

Information technology (IT)

The Campus Computing Survey – an annual survey, begun in 1990, is the largest continuing study of the role of information technology in American higher education.

Instructional designers (ID)

Ren, X. (2019). The undefined figure: Instructional designers in the open educational resource (OER) movement in higher education. Educ Inf Technol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-019-09940-0


Also see Discoverability on this page.

California Community College Librarian Survey on OER – 2019

Braddlee, Dr.,& VanScoy, A. (n.d.) Bridging the chasm: Faculty support roles for academic librarians in the adoption of open educational resources. College & Research Libraries preprint. https://doi.org/10.5860/crl.80.4.426

Breeding, M. (2019). Library Systems Report 2019. American Libraries. https://americanlibrariesmagazine.org/2019/05/01/library-systems-report-2019/

Colson, R., Scott, E., Donaldson, R. (2017). Supporting librarians in making the business case for OER. The Reference Librarian, 58(4), 278-287. https://doi.org/10.1080/02763877.2017.1377665

Kennison, R., Ruttenberg, J., Shorish, Y., & Thompson, L. (2019, September 11). OA in the Open: Community Needs and Perspectives. https://doi.org/10.31229/osf.io/g972d

Larson, A.C. (2020). Open education librarianship: A position description analysis of the newly emerging role in academic libraries. International Journal of Open Educational Resources, 3(1). https://www.ijoer.org/open-education-librarianship-a-position-description-analysis-of-the-newly-emerging-role-in-academic-libraries/

Miller, R., & Homol, L. (2016). Building an online curriculum based on OERs: The library’s role. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 10(3–4), 349–359. https://doi.org/10.1080/1533290X.2016.1223957

Okamoto, K. (2013). Making higher education more affordable, one course reading at a time: Academic libraries as key advocates for open access textbooks and educational resources. Public Services Quarterly, 9(4), 267–283. https://doi.org/10.1080/15228959.2013.842397

Orzech, M.J., & Abramovich, S.J. (2020). Perceptions and practice of openness among academic librarians. International Journal of Open Educational Resources, 3(1). https://www.ijoer.org/perceptions-and-practice-of-openness-among-academic-librarians/

Schoppert, J. (2020). Librarian Leadership in Open Education Resources: Implementing and Supporting Innovation in Community Colleges. : Oregon State University. https://ir.library.oregonstate.edu/concern/graduate_thesis_or_dissertations/sj1398289

Smith, B., Lee, L. (2017). Librarians and OER: Cultivating a community of practice to be mroe effective advocates. Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning, 11. https://doi.org/10.1080/1533290X.2016.1226592

Walz, Anita, Kristi Jensen, and Joseph A. Salem, Jr. Affordable Course Content and Open Educational Resources. SPEC Kit 351. Washington, DC: Association of Research Libraries, July 2016. https://doi.org/10.29242/spec.351

Metadata and repositories

Bothmann, B. (2020). A recommendation for core metadata elements for use in OER repositories. Minnesota State University, Mankato.https://drive.google.com/file/d/15L6odisnSbqth1IJNvIDrhMWK_BxDlzB/view

Open educational practices (OEP)/pedagogy

Bloom, M. (2019). Assessing the impact of “open pedagogy” on student skills mastery in first-year composition. Open Praxis, 11(4). http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.11.4.1025

Gurell, S. (2012). Measuring the Technical Difficulty in Reusing Open Educational Resources with the ALMS Analysis Framework. Dissertation. https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/etd/3472

Hilton, J., Wiley, D., Chaffee, R., Darrow, J., Guilmett, J., Harper, S., & Hilton, B. (2019). Student perceptions of open pedagogy: An exploratory study. Open Praxis, 11(3). http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.11.3.973

Hilton, J., Lutz, N., Wiley, D. (2012). Examining the reuse of open textbooks.
International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 13(2). https://doi.org/10.19173/irrodl.v13i2.1137

Leggett, J.M., Wen, J., & Chatman, A. (2018). Emancipatory learning, open educational resources, open education, and digital critical participatory action research. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning , Innovative Pedagogy, 1 , Article 4. https://digitalcommons.humboldt.edu/sotl_ip/vol1/iss1/4

McDowell, Z. J. and Stewart, M. (2019). Student learning outcomes with Wikipedia-based assignments. International Journal of Open Educational Resources, Vol. 1(2). https://ijoer.org/student-learning-outcomes-with-wikipedia-based-assignments

Nizami, U., & Shambaugh, A. (2019). Open pedagogy through community-directed, student-led partnerships: Establishing CURE (Community-University Research Exchange) at Temple University Libraries. Open Praxis, 11(4). http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.11.4.1028

Van Allen, J., & Katz, S. (2019). Developing Open Practices in Teacher Education: An Example of Integrating OER and Developing Renewable Assignments. Open Praxis, 11(3), 311-319. http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.11.3.972

Werth, E.,  & Williams, K. (2021). Learning to be open: instructor growth through open pedagogy. Open Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning. https://doi.org/10.1080/02680513.2021.1970520

Wiley, D., Hilton, J. (2018). Defining OER-enabled pedagogy. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 19(4). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/3601/4724

Wiley, D., Webb, A., Weston, S., & Tonks, D. (2017). A preliminary exploration of the relationships between student-created OER, sustainability, and students success. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 18(4). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/3022/4222

Zhu, M. (2020). Effective Pedagogical Strategies for STEM Education from Instructors’ Perspective: OER for Educators. Open Praxis, 12(2), 257-270. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.5944/openpraxis.12.2.1074

Open educational resources (OER)

Allen, I.E., Seaman, J. (2012). Growing the curriculum: Open education resources in U.S. higher education, Babson Survey Research Group.

Allen, I.E., Seaman, J. (2014). Opening the curriculum: Open educational resources in U.S. higher education, Babson Survey Research Group.

Allen, I.E., Seaman, J. (2016). Opening the textbook: Educational resources in U.S. higher education, 2015-16, Babson Survey Research Group.

Atkins, D. E., Brown, J. S., & Hammond, A. L. (2007). A review of the open educational resources (OER) movement: Achievements, challenges, and new opportunities. San Francisco, CA: The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Colorado Open Educational Resources Council (2017). Report to the Joint Budget Committee and the Education Committees of the General Assembly Open Educational Resources in Colorado. Colorado Department of Higher Education. https://highered.colorado.gov/Publications/Reports/legislative/OER/OER_Nov2017.pdf

Dichev, C., Dicheva, D., Agre, G., & Angelova, G. (2015). Trends and opportunities in computer science OER development. Cybernetics and Information Technologies, 15(3). https://doi.org/10.1515/cait-2015-0045

Griffiths, R., Joshi, E., Pellerin, E., & Wingard, A. (2022). Teaching and Learning with Open Educational Resources (OER). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. https://www.achievingthedream.org/teaching-and-learning-with-OER-report

Hilton, J.L., Gaudet, D., Clark, P., Robinson, J., Wiley, D. (2013). The adoption of open educational resources by one community college math department. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 14(4). http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/article/view/1523/2652

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Open textbooks

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Reading: paper vs. screen

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Religious colleges

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Social justice

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Student support

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Supplemental materials

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Textbook costs

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Florida Virtual Campus


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Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

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Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) programs

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