
Research and Reports

Research and Reports

This section lays out open education research and reports alphabetically, and by region. Below are general resources and organizations pertaining to research in this area.



Open Research


How to find a suitable open access journal?

FACETS: Canada’s first multidisciplinary open access science journal. FACETS is published by Canadian Science Publishing, publisher of the NRC Research Press suite of journals. Articles are released with a CC BY licence.

International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education (formerly the Journal of Distance Education): an open access, international publication of the Canadian Network for Innovation in Education (CNIE)

International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning (IRRODL): advancing research, theory, and practice in open and distributed learning worldwide

Journal of Copyright in Education & Librarianship: bi-annually published in the spring and fall. It is a peer-reviewed open-access publication for original articles, reviews and case studies that analyze or describe the strategies, partnerships and impact of copyright law on public, school, academic, and digital libraries, archives, museums, and research institutions and their educational initiatives.

Journal of Learning for Development (JL4D): A forum for the publication of research with a focus on innovation in learning, in particular but not exclusively open and distance learning, and its contribution to development. Content includes interventions that change social and/or economic relations, especially in terms of improving equity.

Journal of New Librarianship

Open Access Teaching Case Journal (OATCJ): publishes descriptive/evaluative or decision-based teaching case studies in all disciplines.

Open Praxis: a peer-reviewed open access scholarly journal focusing on research and innovation in open, distance and flexible education. It is published by the International Council for Open and Distance Education


TOME (Toward an Open Monography Ecosystem): Advances the wide dissemination of scholarship by humanities and humanistic social sciences faculty members through open access editions of peer-reviewed and professionally edited monographs. These are the participating colleges and universities.


Direct2AAM: This set of guides makes it easier for authors to self-archive simply, quickly, and correctly, and to search for Author Accepted Manuscripts (AAM). The guides, available for most major journals, provide easy to follow instructions for authors to obtain an Author Accepted Manuscript from their journal submission system, where the AAM is stored during the publishing process.

Open Access Button: Free, legal research articles delivered instantly or automatically requested from authors.

Research pack (OER Hub)

Unpaywall: An open database of free scholarly articles.


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