12 Guide for Future Students

Detailed Description of Learning Activity

Toward the end of the program have your students build a guide for future students of the program: “How to be successful in Welding Foundation”. Students should start by brainstorming all the possible ideas and then sorting then into topics. Suggestions include:

  • How to stay motivated and engaged.
  • How to pass your quizzes and tests.
  • How to prepare for the ITA exams.
  • How to improve your skills in the shop.
  • How to stay safe.
  • How not to get into trouble.
  • How to stay organized and on top of your workload.
  • How to make the most of your time at the college/university.
  • How to build a sense of community among your fellow tradespeople.
  • How to work with your instructor.
  • What to do if things get tough (resources available).
  • Why welding is so great!

The students could then build this in Pressbooks with integrated video messages for easy sharing, or create a PDF that can be printed at the print shop and distributed to the next cohort of students.

Purpose of Activity

  • Consolidate learning over the program.
  • Create a sense of legacy.
  • Support future students.

What Makes This Open?

  • Participatory technology.
  • Students create content.
  • Student share learning or resources beyond class.
  • Non-disposable assignment.
  • Incorporates reflective practice.
  • Collaborative/team-based learning.


Marks can be assigned for self-evaluated participation.


Activity Time
Explanation of activity and presentation of problem/challenge 30 minutes
Brainstorm 1 hour
Build resource 1–2 days

Resources Required

  1. Pressbooks account and/or print shop.
  2. Laptops or computer lab.


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Open Pedagogy in the Trades Copyright © 2021 by Bruce Neid and Nicki Rehn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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