
Unit 1. Basic knowledge and common uses of computers

Unit 1: Self-test

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True or false

  1. A system unit includes the motherboard, CPU, RAM, hard drive, expansion cards, power supply, etc.
  2. A hard drive a computer’s central structure that connects the different parts of a computer together.
  3. All information that was stored in RAM is erased when the computer is turned on.
  4. A keyboard is an output device that allows a user to enter characters into a computer.
  5. Blogs are written and updated by bloggers. They write about their opinions and thoughts.
  6. Computer can help business to start, run, manage, and grow.

Fill in the blank

  1. The [blank] is the main part of a desktop computer.
  2. CPU is the abbreviation for [blank].
  3. RAM is a type of data storage used in computers that [blank] stores programs and data.
  4. Computer [blank] is a display screen used to display information processed by a computer.
  5. USB stands for [blank].
  6. When you save data or install programs on your computer, the information is written to the [blank] disk.
  7. [Blank] is a telephone connection over the Internet. It allows users to make calls over the Internet.
  8. Disk drive is a hardware that stores and retrieves information, data, files, programs, etc. that are used by your computer. The drive is often referred to by the [blank].

Multiple choice

  1. The [blank] is often referred to as the brain or engine of a computer.
    1. CPU
    2. motherboard
    3. RAM
    4. system unit
  2. Which of the following is one of the common names used for CPU?
    1. processor
    2. central processor
    3. microprocessor
    4. all of the above
  3. Which of the following is one of the common names used for USB drive?
    1. flash drive
    2. pen drive
    3. USB stick
    4. all of the above
  4. A [blank] is a small flat surface on a laptop or other computer that does the same things as a mouse.
    1. flash drive
    2. trackpad
    3. USB stick
    4. RAM
  5. Popular social media websites:
    1. Facebook
    2. WeChat
    3. LinkedIn
    4. all of the above
  6. Computers play a crucial role in science/engineering, such as:
    1. simulating experiments
    2. patient monitoring
    3. diagnostic databases
    4. all of the above


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