
Unit 5. Electronic communication

Unit 5: Self-test

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True or false

  1. A malware cannot gain unauthorized access to a computer and continuously run in the background without owner’s knowledge.
  2. A virus can make a copy of itself over and over again.
  3. A Trojan may claim to get rid your computer of viruses but instead introduces viruses onto your computer.
  4. The key difference between a virus and a worm is that a worm needs human action to replicate, whereas, a virus doesn’t.
  5. Enter a person’s email address to the ‘Cc’ field means that person will receive a copy of the email.

Fill in the blank

  1. A [blank] refers to a person who can gain unauthorized access to a computer or a network to commit crimes.
  2. A [blank] can spread from one computer to another through email attachments, removable storage devices, networks, etc.
  3. A [blank] is similar to a virus. It is designed to quickly self-replicate and spread copies of themselves from one computer to another.
  4. A [blank] can record a user’s Web browsing habits, email messages, keystrokes on online advertisements, personal information, etc., and forward it to a third party.
  5. Bcc is similar to that of Cc except that the email addresses are [blank] to the people in the “To” or “Cc” fields.
  6. The [blank] folder is the place where incoming emails are received and stored.
  7. Every email that you delete will be moved to the “[blank] Items” folder.

Multiple choice

  1. [Blank] is a software that is designed to infiltrate, damage, disrupt, or infect computers.
    1. Malware
    2. Firefox
    3. Yandex
    4. RAM
  2. Malware is a single term that refers to all the different types of threats to your computer safety such as:
    1. Trojan horse
    2. worm
    3. virus
    4. all of the above
  3. [Blank] is a software that secretly monitors (spies) user’s online behaviour and gets sensitive information about a person or organization without the user’s knowledge.
    1. Trojan horse
    2. spyware
    3. virus
    4. worm
  4. An unfinished email will be automatically saved to your [blank] folder.
    1. Sent
    2. Junk
    3. Drafts
    4. Deleted items


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